New Persian: National Library of Israel, Ms.Heb.8333.12
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Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
New Persian (Arabic script)
Judeo-Persian (Hebrew script)
Legal: Debt

Physical Description

10 fold lines, a few small tears.
10 fold lines.


Two separate acknowledgments concerning debts of 84 shiyānī and of 28 shiyānī. The names of the Muslim witnesses are identical in both deeds. Verso contains a note written in Judeo-Persian, summarizing the details of both acknowledgements. The reason for these debts is not stated in the document.


  • The Gregorian calendar: 13 February 1191 (1191-02-13)
  • The Hijri calendar: 10 Muḥarram 587 (0587-01-10)


  • ʿAbd al-Mālik b. Abū al-Ḥārith
  • Abū Zayd b. ʿAbd Allāh
  • Abū al-ʿAbbās b. Muḥammad
  • Abū Ḥarb b. al-Ḥasan (Bū Ḥarb [...]n (Judeo)-Persian)
  • Abū Naṣr b. Dāniyāl (Bū Naṣr b. Dāniyāl)
  • Abū Ḥamad b. Sulaymān (Bū Ḥamad Sulaymān)
  • Ḥasan b. al-Ḥārith


  • Haim, Ofir. “Acknowledgment deeds (iqrārs) in Early New Persian from the Area of Bāmiyān (395-430 AH/1005-1039 CE).” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 29/3, 2019. pp. 415-446. (Pages: 425-427)
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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Ofir Haim
The transcription and translation have been taken from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1. recto
2. verso

Document A

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم 1
اقرار کرذ ابو حرب بن الحسن ا[ز دیـ]ـه پدیژگ (؟) بتن درستی و 2
بعقل خویش فی هیچ مکروهی کفرمنست بو نصر بن دانیال 3
را هشتاذ چهار شیانی عدلی که نیمه اوی باشد چهل دو شیانی 4
عدلی حق واجب [و]ام لیزم ومرا از این فاز گشتن نیست تا این سیم بدوی 5
تسلیم نکنم حاله این تا دو ماه وذلک فی اول جمادی الاولی 6
سنه اثنا عشر واربعمایه 7

Witness Clauses

شهد عبد الملک بن ابی الحرث وکتب بخطه 8
شهد ابو زید بن عبد الله وکتب بخطه 9
شهد ابو العباس بن محمد وکتب بخطه صح 10

Document B

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم 11
وهمی گوید بوحمد بن سلیمن وحسن بن الحرث بتن درستی بعقل 12
خویش فی هیچ مکروهی کفر ماست بو نصر بن دانیال را 13
بیست وهشت شیانی عدلی حقی واجب لیزم وما را 14
[از این] فاز گشتن نیست تا [این] سیم بدوی تسلیم نکنیم وحاله [این تا] دو ماه وذلک فی 15
اول جمادی الاو[لی سنه اثنـ]ـا عشر واربعمایه 16

Witness Clauses

شهد عبد الملک بن الحرث وکتب بخظه 17
شهد ابو زید بن عبد الله وکتب بخطه 18
شهد ابو العباس بن محمد وکتب بخطه 19
קבאלה בו חרב […]ן פד' // בוחמד סלימאן 1
חסן כח' // אז פדיז[א]ג 2

Document A

1 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
2 Abū Ḥarb b. al-Ḥasan from the village Padīzhag(?) acknowledged in his own sound body and
3 mind, without any coercion as follows: “I owe Bū Naṣr b. Dāniyāl
4 eighty-four ʿadlī shiyānī, half of which being forty-two ʿadlī shiyānī.
5 [It is] a binding obligation, an obligatory debt. I cannot revoke this as long as I do not deliver to him this silver”.
6 This is to be transferred within two months. This [was written] on the first of Jumādā I
7 in the year four hundred and twelve.

Witness Clauses

8 ʿAbd al-Mālik b. Abī al-Ḥārith was a witness and he wrote [it] in his handwriting.
9 Abū Zayd b. ʿAbd Allāh was a witness and he wrote [it] in his handwriting.
10 Abū al-ʿAbbās b. Muḥammad was a witness and he wrote [it] in his handwriting. Valid.

Document B

11 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
12 Būḥmad b. Sulaymān and Ḥasan b. al-Ḥārith state in their own sound body and mind,
13 without any coercion as follows: “We owe Bū Naṣr b. Dāniyāl
14 twenty-eight ʿadlī shiyānī. [It is] a binding obligation, an obligatory (debt). We cannot
15 revoke [this] as long as we do not deliver to him [this] silver”. [This] is to be transferred [within] two months. This [was written] on
16 the first of Jumādā [I in the year] four hundred and [twel]ve.

Witness Clauses

17 ʿAbd al- Mālik b. [Abū] al-Ḥārith was a witness and he wrote [it] in his handwriting.
18 Abū Zayd b. ʿAbd Allāh was a witness and he wrote [it] in his handwriting.
19 Abū al-ʿAbbās b. Muḥammad was a witness and he wrote [it] in his handwriting.
1 The contract of Bū Ḥarb [...]n eighty-four shiyānī; Bū Ḥamad Sulaymān,
2 Ḥasan twenty-eight shiyānī from Padīzh[a]g.
New Persian: National Library of Israel, Ms.Heb.8333.12: Folio (recto)
New Persian: National Library of Israel, Ms.Heb.8333.12: Folio (verso)
Images courtesy of National Library of Israel