Bactrian: Schøyen Collection, MS 4580
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  • Seals


MS 4580
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
Legal: Amicable Settlement

Physical Description

Written on leather, the writing surface shows fold lines and tears.


This document is an undertaking to keep the peace, in which Khay and Khatul, sons of Pabag, undertake not to dispute any more with Meyam and Zhulad, sons of Piy, concerning the debt of Nospil, inhabitant of Samingan, because Khay and Khatul received the fine in full from Meyam and Zhulad.


  • The Gregorian calendar: 7 September 722 (0722-09-07)
  • The calendar of the Bactrian era: 16 Pusig 500 (0500-04-16)


  • Rahul
  • Wiyus
  • Yakan
  • Babay
  • Salak
  • Khay son of Pabag
  • Khatul son of Pabag
  • Meyam son of Piy
  • Zhulad son of Piy
  • Nospil


  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas (ed.). 2012. Bactrian documents from Northern Afghanistan. I: Legal and economic documents (Studies in the Khalili Collection 3). Revised edition. Vol. VI. London: The Nour Foundation. (Pages: 112-115)
    Catalogue Number: Uu
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication
  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas 2005. “Bactrian Legal Documents from 7th- and 8th-Century Guzgan”, Bulletin of the Asia Institute 15 (2001) [2005]. (Pages: 20-21, 27-28)
    Catalogue Number: Uu

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Nicholas Sims-Williams
Zhen Zheng
The transcription and translation have been taken from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1. recto
2. verso
1 αχϸονο φʹ μαυο ποσιγο ρωσο μ̣ι̣υ̣ρο καλδο ναβιχ-
2 τ̣ο μοδδραγο χοασοιαοοβωστιγο̣ πισο βαγο οαχϸο βαγα̣-
3 νο ϸαυο οαρ̣σοχονδδιγο υοναμγο ακιδδηιο ασπασο ο-
4 δ̣ο νιϸλμοa αβο λιζαγο ληρινδο οδο πισο ραυολο λι-
5 ζαγοσιγο καρ̣οοαλοb οδο πισο οιιοσο οολαχο καροΔαρ-
6 ο οδο πισο ιακανο ταδανο οδο πισο βαβαιο οδο πισο
7 σαλακο οδο πισο υαμαχοανδο λιζαγοσιγανο χοιια
8 δαρο οδο κισαδαρανο μισιδο ασταδο μανο χαιο οδο
9 μανο χατολο παβαγο πορανο οδο μαχαγγο ζαδακο
10 φροζανδα̣νανο λιζαγοσιγανο ιανο γωζαγανο γα-d
11 ριγο ϸα̣υο μαρηγανο̣ αλαφαγο μηιαμο οδαλοφ-
12 αγο ζολ̣αδο πιιο πορανο λιζαγοσιγηλο ιαυαμγο χο-
13 δδηοο μαρηγανο οδαλο τομαχαγγο ζαδακο φροζ-
14 ανδανο αχασο ασταδο πιδοο παρο ασιδο νωσπιλο σαμι-
15 γγανιγο α̣χα̣σαδαμο ταδο ωσο μανο χαιο οδο μανο χα-
16 τολο οδο μαναγγοe ζαδακο φροζανδανο ασαφαγ̣ο̣
17 μηιαμο οδασοφαγο ζολαδο ασο νωσπιλανο ταοανο̣
18 ασποριγο αγγιτινδο ακιδο μαχο ασο ωσο αβο ιαοοηδα-
19 νο ζοραγο μανο χαιο οδο μανο χατολο οδο μαχαγγο ζα-
20 δακο φροζανδανο αλαφαγο μηιαμο οδαλοφαγο ζ-
21 ολαδο οδαλο τομαχαγγο ζαδακο φροζανδανο υαρσο
22 σαγισο αχασο νιστο ναγο πιδο μαρηγιγο οδο {οδο}f ναγο πι-
23 δο τ̣αοανο οδο ναγο πιδο παρο ναγο πιδο κασοκο οδο
24 ναγο πιδο υαβισο οδδηνο αχασαδο ναγο παδοχαϸανα̣-
25 μο ναγο πιδο μαρηγιγο οδο ναγο πιδο νωσπιλανο ταο̣-
26 ανο οδο ναγο πιδο ανδαρο παρο οτακαλδδ̣ηνο σαγισο αχα-
27 σαμηιο αλο πιδο μαρηγιγο οδο πιδο παρο ταδο μαχο χοαν-
28 δο οισαρο αβο λαδο παραμανο μαγο βοαδο οδο μισο ταοα-
29 νο τωζαμηιο αβο γαζανο λαδοβαραγγο Δραχμο κο̣αδο
30 φʹ οδο μισο φʹ Δραχμο φαροφαγο μηιαμο οδο φαρο τα̣-
31 οαγγο βρ(α)δο ζαδακο τωζαμηιο οδο παρσοg ταοανο μοδδρ(αγ)οh παρμα-
32 νο βοαδο̣i
1 πιδοοασινδο ταβαδο οαχϸ̣ο βαγο
ραυολο τ̣α̣βαδο οιιο̣σ̣ο ταβδο ϸαριγανο
1 (It was) the year 500, the month Pusig, the day Mihr, when (this)
2 sealed document, (this) contract of undertaking, was written in the presence of the god Wakhsh,
3 the king of gods, wonderful (and) renowned, whose worship
4 and seat they keep in Lizag, and in the presence of Rahul,
5 the leader of the people of Lizag, and in the presence of Wiyus, the foreman of Wulakh,
6 and in the presence of Yakan the tudun, and in the presence of Babay, and in the presence of
7 Salak, and in the presence of the assembled inhabitants of Lizag, greater
8 and lesser. Now: I, Khay, and
9 I, Khatul, the sons of Pabag, and our children (and)
10 descendants, inhabitants of Lizag,
11 the servants of Yan Gozgan king of Gar, had a dispute with you, Meyam, and with you,
12 Zhulad, the sons of Piy, inhabitants of Lizag, the
13 servants of the same lord, and with your children (and) descendants,
14 concerning that debt which
15 Nospil, inhabitant of Samingan, disputed (with) us. So now I, Khay, and I, Khatul,
16 and my (sic!) children (and) descendants, from you, Meyam,
17 and from you, Zhulad, (and) from the Nospil family,
18 have received the fine in full, so that from now until eternity we—
19 I, Khay, and I, Khatul, and our children (and)
20 descendants—, Meyam, or with you, Zhulad,
21 or with your children (and) descendants,
22 have no dispute at all with you neither concerning (matters) relating to slaves, nor concerning
23 the fine, nor concerning the debt, nor concerning small (matters),
24 nor concerning great (matters). And we shall not have the right to dispute (with) you,
25 neither concerning (matters) relating to slaves, nor concerning the Nospil family’s fine,
26 nor concerning (any) other debt. So, if we should dispute anything (with) you,
27 whether concerning (matters) relating to slaves or concerning a debt, then our claim (and)
28 argument shall not be valid in court, and also
29 we shall pay a fine to the judicial treasury of five hundred dirhams of (king) Kawad,
30-32 and also we shall pay five hundred dirhams to you, Meyam, and to your brothers (and) children. And after the fine (has been paid), may (this) sealed document be (considered) authoritative.
1 Sealed by the declarants Sealed by the the god Wakhsh Sealed by Rahul Sealed by Wiyus Sealed by the citizens Sealed
Seal 1
Photograph of this seal
Bactrian: Schøyen Collection, MS 4580: Folio (recto)
Bactrian: Schøyen Collection, MS 4580: Folio (verso)
Images courtesy of Schøyen Collection