New Persian: Afghanistan National Archives, Firuzkuh 68, recto
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Firuzkuh 68, recto
Silver (given following internal peer review)
New Persian (Arabic script)

Physical Description

Incomplete, black ink


Fragmentary letter seemingly about the theft of cropped wheat from a farm. The sender is expressing his innocence to the landlord on behalf of his community of gleaners, and suggests that others have been taking the wheat late at night. He says that if the landlord does not believe him and wants to punish them, they are willing to vacate the property.


  • The Gregorian calendar: None



  • Khwaja Muhammad and Nabi Saqee, Barg-hāy az yak faṣl, yā asnād-i tārīkhī-yi Ghur (Kabul: Saʿīd 1388/2009) (Pages: 110-111)
    The IEDC transcription has been revised from this publication.

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Ofir Haim
Arezou Azad, Nabi Saqee
The transcription and translation have been revised from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1. recto
[+/- 3] بنده ام [+/- 3] 1
تا مگر خدای تعالی هر دو [+/- 2] 2
کند اگر بنده را به بندگی قبول کند خوب [+ 1] 3
و اگر نه زحمت به بریم دیگر تواند بود 4
که غله ی آن مخدوم بسیار [+/- 3] 5
بدی از ما داند خدای علیم [+/- 3] 6
دو شب بوده اند هر شب چهار آگوش 7
گندم آورده اند در هر بن سنگی کسی نشسته اسـ[ـت] 8
گندم می برند و آن مخدوم از [+/- 2 اگر] 9
فرمایی در یکی دیه ویران [برویم(؟) +/- 1] 10
کسانی ما خوشه می چینند و اگر نه فرمایی 11
هم بروم جای دیگر کراهیت بیکی دران 12
ملک نه طلبیم کی ازانی آن مخدوم کید(؟) [+ 2] 13
نوشته جواب کند مرا چه می فرماید اگر بی 14
اجازت تو کسانی من در غله روند هر چه 15
بتر آن مخدوم با ایشان به کند من مالش [تمام] 16
به کنم روا ندارم تو شب روز غله کسان فرا 17
[+/- 8] 18
(حاشیه): سلام خدمت می رسانند دعای جانی ملک می گویند والسلام 19
1 [+/- 3] I am (your) slave [+/- 3]
2 so that God Almighty [+ 2] both [+/- 2]
3 [+ 1]. If he accepts me as his servant, very well. [+ 1]
4 Otherwise, we shall leave. It could also be
5 that this master’s grain [was?] very [+/- 2]
6 he thinks the wrongdoing was ours. God the all-knowing [+ 3]
7 they were [there?] for two nights, and each night they brought four cubits
8 of wheat. Someone is crouched behind every boulder
9 to grab the wheat. The master [knows this?] from [us?]. [+/- 2 If]
10 you command [it], [+/- 1 we will go] to an abandoned village.
11 Our people are crop gleaners. And if you do not command [it],
12 then I will go somewhere else. We do not wish to cause trouble to anyone on this
13 estate, which belongs to the master [+/- 2]
14 he should reply to me in writing with his decision. If
15 my people go to the crops without your permission,
16 the master should punish them in the worst possible way, [and] I [too] will
17 give [them] a strong punishment. I do not think it is suitable [that] you [+ 1] people’s
grain day and night.
18 [+/- 8]
19 (margin:) They send regards [to you]. They pray for the lord’s life. Farewell.
New Persian: Afghanistan National Archives, Firuzkuh 68, recto: Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of Nabi Saqee