Bactrian: Sam Fogg Rare Books, Sims-Williams R
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Sims-Williams R
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
Legal: Amicable Settlement

Physical Description

Written on leather, the writing surface shows fold lines and tears.


This document is a contract put forward by Pap, Gamanig and Gazar the sons of Sawug in which they renounce their claims and disputes with Kanag son of Gugn and Moyan son of Laguk.


  • The Gregorian calendar: 21 January 675
  • The calendar of the Bactrian era: 20 Ab 452 (0452-08-20)


  • Sit
  • Pap son of Sawug
  • Gamanig son of Sawug
  • Gazar son of Sawug
  • Kanag son of Gugn
  • Moyan son of Laguk of the house of Lagukan
  • Finz-lad son of Khag


  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas. 2000. Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan, Volume I. Nour Foundation. (Pages: 92-3)
    Catalogue Number: R
  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas. 2005. Bactrian Legal Documents from 7th and 8th Century Guzgan. Bulletin of the Asia Institute 15. (Pages: 14-15, 24-25)
    Catalogue Number: R
  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas (ed.). 2012. Bactrian documents from Northern Afghanistan. I: Legal and economic documents (Studies in the Khalili Collection 3). Revised edition. Vol. VI. London: The Nour Foundation. (Pages: 92-93)
    Catalogue Number: R
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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Nicholas Sims-Williams
Zhen Zheng
The transcription and translation have been taken from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1. recto
1 αχϸονο υʹ νʹ βʹ μαυο αββο σαχτο κʹ κα-
2 λδο ναβιχτο μο̅λ̅ρ̅α̅γ̅ο̅ χοησαοοβωστιγο αβο γαζο αβο̣
3 ιανδαρο ωδαγο πισο σιτο γαζο υαμαρογαρο πιδοοασαδδι-
4 δο μανο παπο οδο μανο γαμανιγο οδο μα̣νο γαζαρο σαο-
5 ογο πορανο γαζιγο αβαφαγο καναγο γογνο πορο οδα̣βα-
6 φαγο μωιανο λαγ̣οκο πορο λιζγοσιγο οδαβαφαγο φινζο-
7 λαδο χαγοσιγο ασιδο πιδο αγαδαγο ιανο αβο λιζγο αρμαυηιο ο-
8 το ιθααυασιδο μανο παπο αλαφαγο καναγο ο̣δαλαφαγο μωιανο
9 οδαλαφαγο φινζολαδο αχασο οδο λαδοβαριγο σταδο οτομη-
10 νο πισο σωρο οαλαχοσιγο καροοαλο γοβαδο οδομηνο σα-
11 χοανο οδο ιαχασο αματο οδομο χοησαοο λαδδηιο πιδο Δαγογγο
12 ιαοαρο κοαδασο μανδορονιγο ρωσο οδασο μαβαρο ζαμανο
13 α̣ζο παπο οδο μαναγγο βραδο ζαδακο φορζανδανο αβαφαγ̣ο
14 καναγο̣ οδαβαφαγ̣ο μωιανο οδαβαφαγο φινζολαδο οδαβο ταμα̣-
15 χο βραδο ζαδακο φορζανδανο αχσαδο ναγο παδαχϸανιμο
16 οδο ναγο λαδο γοβαδο οτακαλδο Δογγ̣ο ασταδο κοαδο αχσανο ταδο ταο-
17 ανο τωζανο αζο παπο οδο μαναγγο βραδο ζαδακο φορζανδα-
18 νο αβο σκαγογωζογαναγγο γαζνο Δραχμο καοοαδο ρʹ οδο μι-
19 σο ρʹ Δραχμο καοοαδο φαραφαγο καναγο οδο φαραφαγο μωια-
20 νο οδο φαραφαγο φινζολαδο οδο φαρο ταμαχο βραδο ζαδακο
21 φορζανδανο τωζανο οτο παρσο τογδο ταοανο μο̅λ̅ρ̅(αγ)ο χοησαοο
22 βωστιγο χοζο οδο οαοαρο βοοαδοa
1 (It was) the year 452, the month Ab, (day) twenty having elapsed, when
2 (this) sealed document, (this) contract of undertaking, was written in Gaz, in
3 the district of Andar, in the presence of Sit, the treasurer of Gaz. (Then this) declaration was made
4 by me, Pap, and by me, Gamanig, and by me, Gazar
5 the sons of Sawug, inhabitants of Gaz, to you, Kanag son of Gugn, and to
6 you, Moyan son of Laguk, inhabitants of Lizg, and to you, Finz-
7 lad, inhabitant of Khag, who are present in Lizg on account of a summons.
8-9 And it so happened that I, Pap, had a dispute and lawsuit with you, Kanag, and with you, Moyan, and with you, Finz-lad. And
10 we made a statement in the presence of Sor the leader of the people of Walakh, and our
11 claim and dispute was given up, and I gave you (sg.!) an undertaking in the following
12 terms, that from tomorrow (and) for (all) future time
13 I Pap, and my brothers, children (and) descendants,
14-15 shall not have the right to dispute with you, Kanag, and with you, Moyan, and with you, Finz-lad, and with your brothers, children (and) descendants,
16 nor to invoke the law. And if it should so happen that I should dispute, then
17 I shall pay a fine—I, Pap, and my brothers, children (and) descendants—
18 to the treasury of Skag Gozgan, of a hundred dirhams of (king) Kawad, and also
19 I shall pay a hundred dirhams of (king) Kawad to you, Kanag, and to you, Moyan,
20 and to you, Finz-lad, and to your brothers, children (and)
21 descendants. And after the fine has been paid, (this) sealed document, (this) contract of undertaking,
22 shall (still) be (considered) good and valid.
Bactrian: Sam Fogg Rare Books, Sims-Williams R: Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of Sam Fogg Rare Books