Arabic: Private Collection, Gronke V (Arabic No. 1)
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Gronke V (Arabic No. 1)
Private Collection
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
Arabic (Arabic script)
Legal: Sale (bayʿ)

Physical Description

Document of which upper part is damaged, half of the third line has gone. Tears in lines 8, 13, and 18. The lower part of the document is partially blackened. Traces of horizontal folding are clearly visible.
10 horizontal fold lines on the first photograph. 9 horizontal fold lines on the second photograph


A land sale contract 395 (pls. VII and VIII). Document of which upper part is damaged, half of the third line has gone. Tears in lines 8, 13, and 18. The lower part of the document is partially blackened. Traces of horizontal folding are clearly visible. 20 lines of text, followed by another short line. Two words inserted above lines 13 and 16. Below the text, 13 lines of text listing witnesses, written by the scribe of the document. Eight separate witnesses' attestations set below and to the right of this passage. One of the attestations is in Turkish, two others in Turkish and Uighur script.


  • The Gregorian calendar: 13 September 1135
  • The Hijri calendar: 25 Dhū al-Qaʿda 529


  • Yūsuf b. Rabīʿ the Arab (Yūsuf)
  • ʿUmar b. Rabīʿ the Arab (ʿUmar)
  • Abū al-Qāsim b. Salār (Abū 'l-Qāsim b. Salār ... bašı)
  • ʿAlī Iskmän Khaylbashı b. Mīkhā’īl al-Ḥājib
  • ʿĪsā b. Abū Bakr Irdäm Khaylbashı
  • Ibrāhīm Tamghachı b. Abū Bakr Irdäm
  • Muḥammad Ināl b. Muḥammad Ināl
  • Yūsuf Tamghachı b. Hārūn Irdäm Khaylbashı
  • Yūsuf Tamġačı b. Aḥmad Ḫaylbašı
  • ʿAlī Chaflı Bäk b. Isrāfīl Ögä
  • ʿUmar Chaflı Khaylbashı b. Yūsuf Khuymıs
  • ʿAlī b. Yūsuf Khuymıs (ʿAlī ...)
  • Yūsuf b. ʿUmar Chaflı
  • Ḥusayn Tamghachı
  • Bughrā Khaylbashı b. Bughrā Bäk (Buġrā Ḫaylbašı)
  • Ibrāhīm Tamghachı
  • Muḥammad
  • Mūsā
  • Yaḥya
  • ʿAbd al-Salām b. Abū Bakr al-Bayyāʿ
  • Gamāl al-Dīn b. Bū Bakr al-Bayyāʿ (Gam[ā]l [a]l-Dīn b. Bū Bakr al-Bayyāʿ)
  • ʿAlī Amhar Abdal b. Khalīl Abā ʿAbbāsī (ʿAlī Amhar Abdal)
  • Muḥammad b. al-Ḥusayn
  • Muḥmat (Muḥmat ...)
  • Muḥmat (... Muḥmat ...)
  • Muḥammad b. al-Ḥusayn the merchant
  • ʿUmar b. Muḥammad al-... bādī


  • Gronke, Monika. "The Arabic Yārkand Documents." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 49/3, 1986. pp. 454-507 (Pages: 501-506)
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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1. recto
بـ]ـسم الله الرحمن الرحیم 1
هذ]ه ما اشتری هو المسمی محمد و اخوه موسی و اخوه الاخر 2
یحـ]یی هم [. . . . . . . . . . . . .]ی من [. . . .] فسی یُوسف و عمر ابنی 3
ربیع العربی ضیعة لهما و فی ملکهما و تحت تصرفهما یوم البیع التی 4
بسواد کورة یارکنده یسمی سنماس بمحلة اروبک یام علی نهر منسوب الی 5
علی الحاجب و تسعی من ذلک النهر فی حصرة مسجد منسوب الی محمد. 6
حاسمبک کربح کوب التی تشمل علی حدود الربعة الحد الاول لزیق 7
اجام یسمی بالترکیة بسمان والثانی [لـ]زیق نهر کبیر و الثالث لزیق ارض 8
لغولق و الرابع لزیق طریق الجاد[[.]]ة اشتروها هذه المحدودة بجمیع 9
حدو<د>ها و حقوقها و موافقها و طرقها و مسلک طرقها و مسیل ماهها 10
و بیریها و انهارها و اشجارها المثمرة و غیر المثمرة و البیتان و العمارات 11
القایمة فیها من القلیل و الکثیر من حقوقها من الاراضی الحسنة و المسیئة 12
و معروفه و المنسوبه و اداخل//فیها//و الخارج منها بعشرین و سبعة 13
الف من الدراهم الجیاد الصحاح من نقد بلد کاشغر و یارکنده التی یکون 14
نسفها ثلثة عشرة الف و خمسایة شرا صحیحا جایزا نافذا بتا بتة بتلة 15
خالیا عما یفسده و [[یبطله]] یبطله من الشروط فوقع//التقابض// فی البدل و المبدل 16
تقابضا و صحیحا و تفرقو من مجلس العقد تفرق الابدان و الاقوال بعد ان 17
قری علـ[ـیـ]ـهم [بـ]ـلسـ[ـا]ن عرفوه و فهموه و ضمان الدرک و الاستحقاق علی 18
البایعین و ذلك فی حال کونهم من اهل طایعین فی صحة ابدانهم و ذلك 19
فی خمس لیال بقین من ذی القعدة من شهور سنة تسع و عشرین و خمسایة 20
بالترکیة یند یلی 21
کتبه ابو القاسم بن سلار اٮراٮ باشی 22
شهد علیه علی اسکمان خیل باشی بن میکایل الحاجب 23
ایضا عیسی بن ابی بکر اردام خیل باشی 24
ایضا ابراهیم تمغاچی بن ابی بکر اردم 25
ایضا [مـ]ـحمد انال بن محمد انال ایضا 26
یوسف تمغاچی بن هارون اردم خیل باشی 27
ایضا یوسف تمغاچی بن احمد خیل باشی 28
ایضا علی چافلی بك بن سرافل اوکا 29
ایضا عمر چافلی خیل باشی بن یوسف خویمش 30
اخوه اصغر علی سرغ ایضا یوسف بن عمر چافلی 31
بو بکر انانچ خیل باشی انیسی حسین تمغاچی 32
بغرابك اغلی بغرا خیل باشی تنق 33
ابراهیم تمغاچی تنق 34
35 شهد بذلک عبد السلام
بن ابی بکر الببیاع بخطه
36 شهد بذلک جکـ[ـا]ل <ا>لدین
بن ابی بکر البیاع بخطه
37 من خلیل ابا عباسی اغلی
علی امهرابدل تنق من و کتب بامره
38 شهد بجمیع ما فیه و کتب محمد بن الحسین بخطه صح
41 شهد بجمیع ما فیه محمد بن الحسین التاجر و کتب بخطه
42 اشهد علی اعتراف البیعین بالبیع و الایغا الثمن بتمامه
عمر بن محمد البلمبادی و کتب بخطه
1 In the] name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
2 This is what the so called Muḥammad, his brother Mūsā and his other brother
3 Yaḥ]yā have bought: they [have bought from . . .] Yūsuf and ʿUmar, the two sons
4 of Rabīʿ the Arab, a domain owned by both of them and being their property and in their possession on the day of the sale, which
5 is located in the rural district of the Yārkanda province (in a village) called Sınmas in the quarter of Arubäk Yam (?), near an irrigation canal named after
6 ʿAlī al-Ḥājib, running from this irrigation canal facing the mosque named after Muḥammad
7 Ḥāsimbäk... -kūb, and which comprises four boundaries: the first boundary is contiguous
8 to thickets of brushwood called in Turkish Saman (?), the second one is contiguous to the great irrigation canal, the third one is contiguous to the land
9 of Lughuluq, and the fourth one is contiguous to the main road. They have bought this (domain) thus delimited with all
10 its boundaries, rights and appurtenances, its paths and the track of its paths, its water conduit,
11 its two wells and its irrigation canals, its fruit trees and other trees, its two houses and the (other) buildings
12 standing in (the domain), be it little or much of its rights, its good and bad land,
13 and of what is recognized and attributed to it, within and without; for 27,000
14 excellent, valid dirhams of the currency of the cities of Kāšghar and Yārkanda, whose half is
15 13,500; in form of a valid, licit, effective, absolutely definitive purchase,
16 without conditions to vitiate and annul it. The mutual handing over of the price and the sold object has taken place
17 in form of a valid exchange. They have left the place (majlis) of (execution of) the contract by separating from one another physically and verbally after
18 (the document) had been read to them in a language which they knew and understood, the guarantee against any claim (darak) and complaint being incumbent upon
19 the two sellers, and this as persons acting voluntarily and being in a state of soundness of body. This (was written)
20 when five nights were left of Ḏu 'l-Qa'da which belongs to the months of the year 529,
21 in Turkish: a horse year.
22 Abū 'l-Qāsim, son of Salār . . . bashı, has written this.
23 Witnesses to this are ʿAlī Iskmän (?) Khaylbashı, son of Mīkā'īl al-Ḥājib,
24 then ʿĪsā, son of Abū Bakr Irdäm (?) Khaylbashı,
25 then Ibrāhīm Tamghachı, son of Abū Bakr Irdäm (?),
26 then [Mu]ḥammad Inal, son of Muhammad Inal, then
27 Yūsuf Tamghachı, son of Hārūn Irdäm (?) Khaylbashı,
28 then Yūsuf Tamghachı, son of Aḥmad Khaylbashı,
29 then ʿAlī Chaflı Bäk, son of Isrāfīl Ögä,
30 then ʿUmar Chaflı Khaylbashı, son of Yūsuf Khuymıs,
31 his younger brother ʿAlī..., then Yūsuf, son of ʿUmar Chaflı;
32 (then) the younger brother of Bū Bakr Inanch Khaylbashı, Ḥusayn Tamghachı;
33 the son of Bughra Bäk, Buġra Khaylbashı, is witness;
34 Ibrāhīm Tamghachı is witness.
35 ʿAbd al-Salām, son of Abū Bakr al-Bayyāʿ, is witness; (written) in his own handwriting.
36 Jam[ā]l [a]l-Dīn, son of Abū Bakr al-Bayyāʿ, is witness; (written) in his own handwriting.
37 I, the son of Khalīl Abā ʿAbbāsī, ʿAlī Amhar Abdal, I am witness. It was written upon his order.
38 Everything contained in this document is (hereby) testified. Muḥammad, son of al-Ḥusayn, has written (this) in his own handwriting. It is correct.
39 I, Muḥmat . . ., I am witness to the affair contained in this document.
40 I, . . . Muḥmat . . ., I am witness.
41 Muḥammad, son of al-Ḥusayn, the merchant, is witness to everything contained in this document. He has written (this) in his own handwriting.
42 I am witness to the acknowledgement of the two sellers concerning the sale and the payment of the whole pirce: ʿUmar, son of Muḥammad al . . . bādī; he has written (this) in his own handwriting,
42 bu khaṭṭ ichindäki ishkä män Muḥmat Vagatur (?) tanuq
43 män ... Muḥmat ... tanuq män

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Arabic: Private Collection, Gronke V (Arabic No. 1): Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of Private Collection