New Persian: Afghanistan National Archives, Firuzkuh 94
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Firuzkuh 94
Silver (given following internal peer review)
New Persian (Arabic script)

Physical Description

Two fragments, incomplete, black ink; affixed with duct tape to Mirza Khwaja Muhammad’s notebook
8 (Firuzkuh 99) +5 (Firuzkuh 98) fold lines


Private letter sent to Asad al-Dawla wal-Dīn, thanking him for writing a document that freed the sender, possibly from slavery, state service or prison. The sender adds that he has just returned from India, and he seems to know the recipient personally.


  • The Gregorian calendar: None


  • Najm al-Dīn Mawṭinī
  • ʿAlī b. Muḥammad, the fodder-seller
  • Asad al-Dawla wal-Dīn


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Ofir Haim
Arezou Azad, Nabi Saqee
The transcription has been revised from a previous publication (see Publications), the translation is the original work of the IEDC Team (as yet unpublished in peer-review print)
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1. recto
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم 1
  فداه 2
  علی بن محمد علاف 3
زندگانی امیر اسفهسالار اجل کبیر موید مظفر 4
منصور عادل اسد الدولة و الدین ظهیر 5
الاسلام و المسلمین مقرب الملوک و السلاطین 6
اصیل الجبال در عز نعمت اقبال سعادت 7
وایزد تعالی خوشنو دراز باد سلام تحیت  8
این دوست بخواند و آرزومندی نیازمندی  9
بجمال مبارک آن دوست از حد وصف 10
گذشته است ارجو کی دیدار زود  11
باشد از مذکور (؟) من معلوم داند کی هشتم 12
ماه رجب (؟) از هندوستان باز رسیدم 13
حالی نبشته قاصد آن دوست برادر 14
رسید نبشته آورد بخواندم آن  15
خداوندیها کی فرموده بودی معلوم 16
گشت آن از خداوندی بدیع نباشد 17
اگر نی ما خدمتی نکرده ایم کی آزادی 18
می نویسی ان شا الله کی بعد ازین تقصیرهاء 19
کی رفته است عذر آن باز خواهیم 20
و بخبری سلامتی شادمانه شدم خدای 21
شکر کردم کی آن دوست برادر در ضمان  22
سلامتست خوشدل است و کارها 23
بر حسب مراد باید کی خداوندی می فرماید 24
هرکه آید خبری سلامتی اعلام  25
می دهد تا بدان ابتهاج مسرت می افزاید  26
خدمتی که باشد فرماید تا تمام کرده شود 27
(حاشیه) اسفهسالار اجل کبیر نجم الدین موطنی سلام [مــ]ـی رساند آدم جاندار حاضر بود خدمت می رساند 28
(حاشیه) فرزند عمر ابو بکر سلام می رسانند هرکه از ما پرسد سلام رساند 29
1 In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate.
2   ʿAlī b. Muḥammad, the fodder-seller, 
3   [May I be] his sacrifice
4 May the life of the illustrious, great, God-supported, victorious, triumphant, and just amīr and isfahsālār,
5 Asad al-Dawla wal-Dīn, the bulwark of 
6 Islam and Muslims, the confidant of kings and sultans,
7 the nobleman of the mountains, be long and filled with glory, merit, and prosperity,
8 and may the almighty God be satisfied [with him]. 
9 He should read this friend’s greetings in the letter. There are no words to describe my desire and wish
10 [to see] that friend’s celebrated beauty. 
11 I hope that we can meet soon.
12 He should know from the aforementioned [message] (?) that
13 I returned from Hindustan on the 8th of the month of Rajab. 
14 As soon as [I returned], that friend’s courier 
15 arrived and brought a letter. I have read and
16 have become aware of your kind acts, 
17 which are not surprising.
18 Even though I have done nothing [for you], you are writing [the document of my] emancipation.
19 God willing, 
20 I will make up for any previous shortcomings [on my part] after this.
21 I was happy about the news of [your] good health, 
22 and I thank God that my friend and brother
23 is healthy and happy, and that everything
24 is [progressing] according to [your] wishes. You should be so kind as
25 to let me know, via anyone who comes [here], about the state of [your] health,
26 so that in this way, my happiness may be multiplied.
27 Please let me know if ever there is anything I can do [for you].
28 (margin:) The illustrious and great isfahsālār, Najm al-Dīn Mawṭinī, sends his greetings. Ādam Jāndār is here and sends his greetings.
29 (margin:) ʿUmar’s child [and] Abū Bakr send their greetings. Kindly send my regards to anyone who asks [about me].
New Persian: Afghanistan National Archives, Firuzkuh 94: Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of Nabi Saqee