Bactrian: Private Collection, Virginia, Sims-Williams O
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Sims-Williams O
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
Legal: Amicable Settlement

Physical Description

Written on leather, the writing surface shows fold lines and tears.


Peace contract between Yobig, Bramarz and their families following a quarrel.


  • The Gregorian calendar: August-September 662 (Estimated date range: 0662-08-0662-09)
  • The calendar of the Bactrian era: Sabul 440 (0440-03)


  • Yobig of the house of Yobigan
  • Bramarz son of Laguk of the house of Lagukan


  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas. 2003. A Bactrian quarrel. Bulletin of the Asia Institute. Bulletin of the Asia Institute, a Non-Profit Corporation 17. (Pages: 9-15)
    Catalogue Number: O
  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas (ed.). 2012. Bactrian documents from Northern Afghanistan. I: Legal and economic documents (Studies in the Khalili Collection 3). Revised edition. Vol. VI. London: The Nour Foundation. (Pages: 80-83)
    Catalogue Number: O
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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Nicholas Sims-Williams
Zhen Zheng
The transcription and translation have been taken from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1 αχϸονο υʹ οδο μʹ μαυο σαβολο καλδομο ναβιχτο
2 χοησαοοβωστιγο μαλαβο σωζαργανο αβο καλφ αβι-
3 ιο ϸαρο ασιδο στωφ ραζινδο πισο βαγο οαχϸο βαγανο
4 ϸαυο ακιδαβο στωφ σπισινδο οδο πισο ζολαδο πιδο-
5 οδδιγο χαρο οδο πισο μανδαρουανισο αζαδοβοργα̣ν̣ο̣
6 ακιδαβο χοησαοοβωστιγο ταβδο μισιδο ασταδο αχασο
7 μανο ιωβιγο αστωφσιγο ακιδομο καδαγο ιωβιγανο ραζι-
8 νδο πιδοοδδιγο χαρο μαρηγο οδο μαναγγο βραδο πορο πι-
9 δο δαγογγο ιαοοαρο ακιδο μανο ιωβιγο αβαφαγο βρα-
10 μαρζο δαγογγο αχασαδδηιο ακιδο βραδο πιδο χαγγαρο ζι-
11 δδιμο ταδο ταοο βρα̣μαρζο αλμαγο ιωβιγο πιδολαδδι-
12 γο πισαγαδαμο οτομο λαδδηιο χοησαοο μανο ιωβιγο οδο
13 μα̣ν̣α̣γ̣γο βραδο π̣ο̣ρο φαροφαγο βρ̣α̣μ̣[αρ]ζ[οτ]-
14 αδο μισο αζο ιωβιγο χοαδο να̣υ[ο] μ̣α̣ν̣[αγ]γ̣ο βρ̣αδο
15 οδο ναυο μαναγγο πορο αβαφ̣α[γο ]β̣ρα̣μ̣α̣ρ̣ζο̣
16 μ̣ισο αχασ̣αδοc καλδο αχα̣[σ]α̣ν̣ο̣[αζο ]ι̣[ωβιγο ]χ̣ο̣α̣δ̣ο̣[d ο-]
17 δαλο μαν̣α̣γ̣γ̣ο̣ β̣ραδο̣ π̣ο̣ρ̣ο̣ α̣β̣[αφαγο βραμαρζο ταδομο]
18 χοανδο {ν̣δ̣ο} ο̣ισ̣αρο αβο λαδο ο̣α̣ο̣οαρ̣ο̣ μα̣β̣[οδδηιο]
19 οδο μ̣ισο̣ ταοοανο τωζανο̣ α̣βο̣ γ̣α̣ζνο γ̣ω̣ζ̣ο-
20 γα̣να̣γγ̣ο ζαροζιδαγο δδιναρο νʹ ο̣δ̣ο̣ ν̣ʹ δ̣δ̣ι̣[ναρ]ο̣
21 φ[α]ρ̣[ο]φ̣[αγο] βρ̣α̣μ̣α̣ρζ̣ο τωζαμο ο(τ̣ο)̣παρσ̣ο τ̣ογ̣δο τ̣α̣ο̣-
22 οαν̣ο ε̣ι̣ο̣ χοησαο̣ο̣βωστιγο χ̣ο̣ζο̣ ο̣α̣[οοα]ρ[ο ]..[.....]...
23 σ̣α̣γ̣ο̣νδ̣ο αβο μασκο̣ [ν̣α̣]βι̣σιδ̣ο̣
1 αχϸονο υʹ οδο μʹ μαυο σαβολο καλδο ναβιχτο χοησαοοβω-
2 στιγο μαλαβο σωζαργ̣ανο αβο καλφ αβιιο ϸαρο ασιδο αστωφ ραζι-
3 νδο πισο βαγο οαχϸο βαγανο ϸαυο ακιδο αβο στωφ σπισινδο οδο πισ̣ο̣
4 ζολαδο πιοδδιγο χαρο οδο πισο μανδαρουανισο αζαδοβοργανο ακιδο χοη-
5 σαοοβωστιγο ταβδο μισιδο ασταδο αχασο μανο ιωβιγο αστωφσιγο ακιδο-
6 μο καδαγο ιωγανο ραζινδο ζολαδο πιοδδιγο χαρο μαρηγο αβαφαγο βρα̣μα-
7 ρζο δαγογγο αχασαδδηιο ακιδο {ασομαγο ιωβιγο} βραδο πιδο χαγγαρο ζιδδιμο
8 οδο ταοο βραμαρζο αβισταοοαγο κιρδδημ̣οa ταδο παϸτο ναυαϸτα̣μο χο-
9 αδο οδο πιδολαδδιγο πισαγδαμο οδομο λαδδηιο χοησαοο μανο ιωβιγο {φα̣-
10 ρο} φαροφαγο βραμαρζο λαγοκο πορο κοαδο πιδδιιο αχασο ασιδο (μανο) ιωβιγο̣
11 ασ̣ασκοφαγο βραμαρζο ασταδο βραδο πιδο χαγγαρο ζιδδιμο ταδο μισο̣
12 ναυο αχασαμο ναυο αζο ιωβιγο χοαδο οδο ναυο μαναγγο βραδο πο-
13 ρο οδο ναυο μαναγγο χοβιγο τοχμιγο οδο ναυο μαναγγο ϸαρι-
14 γο καλδο αχασανο αζο ιωβιγο χοαδο οδαλο μαναγγο βραδο̣ οδα-
15 λο μαναγγο πορο οδαλο μαναγγο χοβιγο τοχμιγο οδαλο ϸαρι̣-
16 γο οδαλο ωδαγοσιγο ταδομο χοανδο οισαρο αβο λαδο οαοοαρο̣
17 μαβοδδηιοf οδο μισο ταοοανο τωζανο αζο ιωβιγο χοαδ̣-
18 ο οδ{δ}ο μαναγγο βρ(α)δο πορο αβο γαζνο γωζογανοχοηο-
19 αγγο ζαροζιδαγο δδιναρο νʹ οδο νʹ δδιναρο φαρο-
20 φαγο βραμαρζο τωζαμο οδο παρσο τογδο ταοοανο ειο̣
21 μολραγο χοησαοοβωστιγο χοζο οδο οαοοαρο αβο̣-
22 δδηιο σαγονδο αβο μασκο ναβισιδο
1 (It was) the year 440, the month Sabul, when I wrote
2 (this) contract of undertaking here in Sozargan, in Kalf, in
3 the city which they call Stof, in the presence of the god Wakhsh, the
4 king of gods, whom they worship in Stof, and in the presence of Zhulad,
5 khar of Pidud, and also in the presence of the other freemen
6 who have placed (their) seals upon (this) contract of undertaking. Now:
7 I, Yobig, inhabitant of Astof, whose house they call Yobigan,
8 servant of the khar of Pidud, and my brothers (and) sons, had a quarrel, in
9 the following circumstances, that I, Yobig, quarreled with you,
10 Bramarz, in such a way that (your) brother struck me with a sword.
11 So we—you, Bramarz, together with me, Yobig—
12 have agreed legally, and I have given you an undertaking—I, Yobig, and
13 my brothers (and) sons—to you, Bramarz.
14 So (neither) I, Yobig myself, nor my brothers,
15-16 nor my sons, will quarrel (any) more with you, Bramarz. If I should quarrel—[I, Yobig] myself,
17 or my brothers (or) sons—with [you, Bramarz, then my]
18 claim (and) argument shall not be valid in court,
19 and also I shall pay a fine to the treasury of Gozgan
20 of fifty dinars of struck gold, and
21 we shall pay fifty dinars to you, Bramarz. And after the fine has been paid,
22 [may] this contract of undertaking [be] (considered) good (and) valid,
23 as (it) is written herein.
1 (It was) the year 440, the month Sabul, when (this) contract of undertaking was written
2 here in Sozargan, in Kalf, in the city which they call Astof,
3 in the presence of the god Wakhsh, the king of gods, whom they worship in Stof, and in the presence of
4 Zhulad, khar of Pyud, and also in the presence of the other freemen who
5 have sealed (this) contract of undertaking. Now: I, Yobig, inhabitant of Astof, whose
6 house they call Yogan, servant of Zhulad, khar of Pyud, had a quarrel with you, Bramarz.
7 (I) quarrelled (with) you in this way, that I struck (your) brother with a sword,
8 and you, Bramarz, outlawed me. So we ourselves have made a pact
9 and we have agreed legally, and I have given you an undertaking—I, Yobig—
10 to you, Bramarz son of Laguk, that in respect of this quarrel which I, Yobig,
11 had with you, Bramarz, (when) (your) brother struck me with a sword,
12 we will not quarrel (any) more, neither I, Yobig myself, nor my brothers (and) sons,
13 nor my own (household and) family, nor my (fellow-)citizens.
14 If I should quarrel—I, Yobig myself, or my brothers, or
15 my sons, or my own (household and) family, or the citizens,
16 or the men of the district—then my claim (and) argument shall not be valid in court,
17 and also I shall pay a fine—I, Yobig myself,
18 and my brothers (and) sons— to the treasury of the lords of Gozgan
19 of fifty dinars of struck gold, and we shall pay fifty dinars to
20 you, Bramarz. And after the fine has been paid, may this
21 sealed document, (this) contract of undertaking be (considered) good and valid,
22 as (it) is written herein.

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Bactrian: Private Collection, Virginia, Sims-Williams O: Folio (closed, recto)
Bactrian: Private Collection, Virginia, Sims-Williams O: Folio (closed, verso)
Bactrian: Private Collection, Virginia, Sims-Williams O: Folio (open, recto)
Images courtesy of Private Collection, Virginia