Bactrian: Schøyen Collection, MS 4581
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  • Seals


MS 4581
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
Legal: Amicable Settlement

Physical Description

Written on leather Writing surface with fold lines and tears.


This document aims to settle a disagreement between the two parties, most likely over a piece of land.


  • The Gregorian calendar: 26 February 693
  • The calendar of the Bactrian era: 26 Bukhsig 470 (0470-02-26)


  • Potan son of Farn-agad
  • Miyar son of Farn-agad
  • Ser
  • Magatur Buklah
  • Baz
  • Gugnag
  • Gord


  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas. 2000. Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan, Volume I. Nour Foundation. (Pages: 94-97)
    Catalogue Number: S
  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas (ed.). 2012. Bactrian documents from Northern Afghanistan. I: Legal and economic documents (Studies in the Khalili Collection 3). Revised edition. Vol. VI. London: The Nour Foundation. (Pages: 94-97)
    Catalogue Number: S
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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Nicholas Sims-Williams
Zhen Zheng
The transcription and translation have been taken from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1. recto
2. verso
1 ι αχϸονο υʹ οʹ μαυο βοχσιγο ρω̣σ̣ο ριϸτο̣ κ̣αλδο ναβιχτο̣ μο̣-
2 δδραγο χοησιιαοοβωστιγο μαλαβο γαζο αβο οανινδανο αβο λιζο α-
3 λβαρο πισο σηρο τορκο γαζο ταδονο οδαζδδηβιδο σιτο γαζο υο-
4 μαρογαρο μισιδο πιδοοασαδο χογαμο χοσινδο μανο πωτανο οδο μανο̣
5 μιιαρο φαρνοα̣γαδο πορανο ασο βονοσογολιγο κιδο ωσο πιδο αγαδαγο ια-
6 νο αβο γαζο αρμαυαμο οδαβο σηρο τορκο γαζο ταδονο σπισαμο αχϸα-
7 γγο μαρηγανο αβοφαγο βαζο οδαβοφαγο γογναγ̣ο οδαβοφαγο γωρδο λι-
8 ζγιγανο χοδδηοο μαγατορο βοκολαυο μαρηγανο μισιδο μανο πωτα̣-
9 νο οδο μανο μιιαρο αλοφαγο βαζο οδαλ̣οφαγο γωγναγο οδαλφαγο γωρδο̣
10 σαχοανο οδο λαδο οδο αχασο σταδο ταδο μαχο σαχοανο ματο οδο μαχο ιαχασο αβσι-
11 στηιο πισο σηρο τορκο γαζο ταδονο οδο πισ̣ο σιτο γαζο υομαρογαρ-
12 ο οδο μαχο λαδδηδο ειο χοησιιαοο πιδο Δαγογγο ιαοαρο κιδο ναγο παδαχ-
13 ϸαναμο αζο πωτανο οδο ναγαζο μιια̣ρο οδο ναγο μαχαγγο βραδο ζαδα-
14 κο φορζανδανο οδο ναγο ανδαρισο κισο υαρσο πιδδιιο λαδο αχασο ασιδο μαχο
15 πιδοοασινδανο αλφαγο βαζο οδαλοφαγο γωγναγο οδαλοφαγο γωρδο σταδο
16 ταδο πιΔιιο σαχοανο υαρσο κισο ιοστο οδο αχασαδο ναγο παδαχϸαναδο οτο καλδ̣ο̣
17 α̣σταδο ασο μανδορονιγο ρωσο οιταβο ιαοοηδανο ζοριγο κιδο {πιδο} πιΔι-
18 ιο λαδο αχασο ασιδο μαχο πιδοοασινδανο αλοφαγο βαζο οδαλοφαγο γωγναγο̣ ο̣-
19 δαλοφαγο γωρδο σταδο κισο ιωλαδο οδο οισηραδο οδο αχασαδο λαδο γοβαδο λα̣στανο̣
20 κιραδο αλο μαχο πιδοοασινδανο χοαδο οδαλο μαχαγγο βαραδο ζαδακο χοαδο οδαλο
21 ανδαρισ̣ο κισο υαρσ̣ο πιδο μαχαγγο παρο αχασαδο ταδανο μαχο πιδοοασινδανο ναβα-
22 ν̣δο αβο λ̣αδο λαδο ϸαοαμο οδανο χοηδαγο οδο βηβινδο κιρανο ασο οισπουανο οι-
23 σηρινδανο οτο καλδο ναβανδο αβο λαδο λαδο ναϸαοαμο οδανο χοηδαγο οδο βη-
24 βινδο νακιραμο ασο παδαρδδιγο οδασο χοβο πιτανο Δρωγομιγο οδο ανδα̣-
25 ροζαγγο κιραμο σαγονδο χοαδο πιταδαμο οδαβο μασκο ναβισιδο ταδο ταοανο τω̣-
26 ζαμο αβο γαζνο λαδοβαραγγο δδραχμο κοοαδο σʹ οδο μισο σʹ δδραχμο κοαδ̣ο̣
27 αβο παδαρδδιγο τωζαμο οτο μοδδραγο χοησιιαοοβωστιγο οαοαρο οδο παρμα-
28 νο βοοαδο
29 αχϸονο υʹ οʹ {μ̣α̣υ̣ο̣} μ̣αυο βοχσιγο μ[οδδ]ρ̣(αγ)ο ειο χοησιιαο̣ο̣ μ̣α̣νο πωτανο
30 οδο μανο μι̣[ιαρο (+/-. . .) ταβδο]
30-31 [σηρο] τ̣ο̣[ρκο]k τ̣α̣β̣δ̣ο̣
32-33 π̣ι̣δ̣ο̣[ο]α̣σ̣ι̣ν̣δ(α)νο̣m τ̣[α]β̣[δο]
1 (It was) the year 470, the month Bukhsig, the day Risht, when (this)
2 sealed document, (this) contract of undertaking, was written here in Gaz, at Wanindan, the
3 court of the fortress, in the presence of Ser the Turk, the tudun of Gaz, and with the cognizance of Sit, the
4 treasurer of Gaz. Now: (this) declaration was freely (and) willingly made by me, Potan, and by me,
5 Miyar, the sons of Farn-agad from Bunsuglig, who now on account of a summons
6 are present in Gaz and (who) serve Ser the Turk, the tudun of Gaz,
7 the servants of Akhsh, to you, Baz, and to you, Gugnag, and to you, Gord,
8 inhabitants of Lizg, the servants of Lord Magatur Buklah. Now: I, Potan,
9-10 and I, Miyar, had a claim and law(suit) and dispute with you, Baz, and with you, Gognag, and with you, Gord. (And) then our claim was given up and our dispute
11 was brought to an end in the presence of Ser the Turk, the tudun of Gaz, and in the presence of Sit, the treasurer of Gaz,
12 and we gave you this undertaking in the following terms, that we shall not have (any) rights—
13 (neither) I, Potan, nor I, Miyar, nor our brothers, children
14 (and) descendants, nor anyone else—in respect of this law(suit and) dispute which we,
15 the declarants, had with you, Baz, and with you, Gognag, and with you, Gord.
16 So, in respect of this claim, no-one at all shall have the right to fight and to dispute. And if
17 it should happen, from tomorrow until eternity, that, in respect of
18 this law(suit and) dispute which we, the declarants, had with you, Baz, and with you, Gognag,
19 and with you, Gord, anyone should fight and argue and dispute, (or) should invoke the law (or)
20 cause litigation, (if) we, the declarants ourselves, or our brothers (and) children themselves, or
21 anyone else should dispute concerning our obligations, then we, the declarants, would
22 go to each (and) every lawsuit beside (you), and I (sic!) would cause (the property to be) released and detached from all
23 claimants; and if we should not go to each (and) every lawsuit beside (you), and should
24 not cause (the property to be) released and detached from the opposite party and from (him) who is false to his promise, and
25 should act otherwise than we ourselves have guaranteed and is written herein, then we shall pay a fine
26 to the judicial treasury of two hundred dirhams of (king) Kawad, and also we shall pay two hundred dirhams of (king) Kawad
27-28 to the opposite party. And may (this) sealed document, (this) contract of undertaking, be (considered) valid and authoritative.
29-30 Year 470, month Bukhsig. (This) [sealed document], this (contract of) undertaking, [was sealed] by me, Potan, and by me, Mi[yar . . .]
30-31 Sealed [by Ser the] Tu[rk] (seal B).
32-33 [Sealed] by the declarants(?) (seal A).
Seal 1
Photograph of this seal
Seal 2
Photograph of this seal
Bactrian: Schøyen Collection, MS 4581: Folio (recto)
Bactrian: Schøyen Collection, MS 4581: Folio (verso)
Images courtesy of Schøyen Collection