Arabic: Khalili Collection, DOC 22 [AR 7]
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  • Seals


DOC 22 [AR 7]
Khalili Collection
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
Arabic (Arabic script)

Physical Description

Written on light parchment with browning in places.


Quittance relating to the dowry of Ḥamra, the daughter of Mīr b. Bēk.


  • The Gregorian calendar: January-February 765 (Estimated date range: 0765-01-28-0765-02-25)
  • The Hijri calendar: Dhū l-Ḥijja 147 (0147-12)


  • Mīr b. Bēk
  • ʿĪsā b. Sālim
  • Yaḥyā b. Ḥabba
  • al-ʿUdhāfir b. Sṭafwān
  • ʿAbdallāh (the client of Ḥārith)
  • Muḥammad b. Saʿīd
  • ʿAbdallāh b. Sulaymān
  • Khāqān b. Frōdā [??]
  • Khālid b. Shaybān


  • Khan, Geoffrey. 2007. Arabic documents from early Islamic Khurasan (Studies in the Khalili Collection Volume V). London: The Nour Foundation in association with Azimuth Editions. (Pages: 144-146)
    Catalogue Number: 26
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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Geoffrey Khan
Thomas Benfry
The transcription and translation have been taken from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1. recto
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 1
هذا كتاب من موسى 2
بن سلمن براة لمير بن بيك 3
انى قبضت منك سبعين درهما 4
المية على عشرين مما كان لخيب 5
بن نشبود علي من مهر [حـ]ـمرة ابنة 6
مير بن بيك وقد قبض ذلك موسى 7
بن سلمن منى سبعين درهما المية 8
على عشرين وبرئت اليه منه 9
شهد قتيبة بن بلور والهيلب 10
( بن يونس وعبد الله بن سلمن وخاقان ) 11
فردى وسام بن الفرخ وعبد الله 12
(بن مولى غالب والاوحد بن حيمر وجهم ) 13
قيس وجملة مولى زرعة وعيسى 14
بن سالم وكتب فى ذى الحجة 15
سنة سبع واربعين ومية 16
1 In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate.
2 This is a document from Mūsā
3 b. Salmān, a quittance for Mīr b. Bēk.
4 I have received from you seventy dirhams,
5 a hundred at a rate of twenty, what Khīb
6 b. Nashbūd is owed by me with regard to the dowry of Ḥamra, the daughter
7 of Mīr b. Bēk. Mūsā b. Salmān has received that
8 from me, seventy dirhams, a hundred
9 at a rate of twenty, and I have become released from (obligation to pay) it to him.
10 It was witnessed by Qutayba b. Billawr, Haylab
11 b. Yūnus, ʿAbdallāh b. Salmān, Khāqān b.
12 Frōdā, Sām b. al-Farrukh, ʿAbdallāh
13 the client of Ghālib al-Awḥad b. Ḥaymir, Jahm b.
14 Qays, Jumla the client of Zurʿa and ʿĪsā
15 b. Sālim. It was written in Dhū al-Ḥijja
16 of the year one hundred and forty-seven.
Seal 1
Photograph of this seal

The seal contains seven impressions all of which are eroded.

Arabic: Khalili Collection, DOC 22 [AR 7]: Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of Khalili Collection