Arabic: Khalili Collection, DOC 35 [AR 12]
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DOC 35 [AR 12]
Khalili Collection
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
Arabic (Arabic script)

Physical Description

Written on light coloured parchment, the writing surface shows staining and ink smudges in places.


Emancipation document of the slave Qiyā.


  • The Gregorian calendar: October-November 763 CE (Estimated date range: 0763-10-13-0763-11-15)
  • The Hijri calendar: Shaʿbān 146 (0146-08)


  • Qiyā
  • Ḥassān (the client of ʿAbd al-Raḥmān)
  • Yaḥyā b. Ḥabba
  • Khālid b. Shaybān
  • Miskīn b. Farrūkh
  • Khālid b. Sālim
  • Naṣr b. Sālim
  • Yūsuf b. ʿAbdallāh
  • al-Ḥasan b. [...]dān
  • Muḥammad b. ʿAbdallāh
  • Qutayba b. Khudēwōy
  • [... b.] Yaḥyā
  • Baghdādī b. Meyam
  • Shābūr b. al-Mubākir


  • Khan, Geoffrey. 2007. Arabic documents from early Islamic Khurasan (Studies in the Khalili Collection Volume V). London: The Nour Foundation in association with Azimuth Editions. (Pages: 158-61)
    Catalogue Number: 31
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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Geoffrey Khan
Thomas Benfry
The transcription and translation have been taken from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1. recto
طازجة المية على عشرين يعجل من ذلك 1
ثلث(ي)ن درهما والمية الى سنة وعلى قيا 2
عهد الله وذمته ان يجهد على ادا مكا 3
تبه فان عجز قيا عن مكاتبه فهو ابقى فى 4
الرق وماخذ منه فهو من ضرائبه 5
شهد حسان مولى عبد الرحمن ويحيى 6
بن حبة وخلد بن شيبان ومسكين بن فروخ 7
وخلد بن سلم ونصر بن سلم ويوسف بن 8
بن عبد الله والحسن بن ] [دان ومحمد بن عبد الله 9
وق تيبة بن خديوويه ] [ يحيى وبغددى بن 10
ميم وشبور بن المباكر وكتب 11
لغرة شعبان سنة ستة واربعين ومية 12
ختم قيا وبويه ب ن محمد وا 13
الشهود 14
1 [...... ] Arab [dirhams], a hundred at the rate of twenty. Of this he should pay in advance
2 thirty dirhams, and (pay) the hundred in a year’s time. Qiyā is obliged
3 by God’s bond and covenant to strive to fulfill his
4 contract. If Qiyā fails to fulfill his contract, he will be made to remain in
5 slavery and what was taken from him will be (treated as) his dues (to his master).
6 It has been witnessed by Ḥassān the client of ʿAbd al-Raḥmān, Yaḥyā
7 b. Ḥabba, Khālid b. Shaybān, Miskīn b. Farrukh,
8 Khālid b. Sālim, Naṣr b. Sālim, Yūsuf b.
9 ʿAbdallāh, al-Ḥasan b. [...]dān, Muḥammad b. ʿAbdallāh,
10 Qutayba b. Khudēwōy, [... b.] Yaḥyā, Baghdādī b.
11 Meyam and Shābūr b. al-Mubākir. It has been written
12 at the beginning of Shaʿbān of the year one hundred and forty six.
13 Qiyā, Būyah b. Muḥammad
14 and the wittnesses have set their seal.
Seal 1
Photograph of this seal
various seal types

The bulla contains thirteen impressions including a lion walking to the right, four impressions featuring five-pointed stars surrounded by four crescents and three impressions containing the following names: "Yaḥyā b. ʿUbayd [with a six-pointed star below]"
"Jahm b. Qays"
"Mūsā, for God"

يحسبي بن عبيد

جهم بن قيس

موسى للّه

  • inscription
  • lion
  • star
  • red
  • animals
  • inscriptions
  • symbols
Arabic: Khalili Collection, DOC 35 [AR 12]: Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of Khalili Collection