New Persian: Khalili Collection, DOC 37
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DOC 37
Khalili Collection
Silver (given following internal peer review)
New Persian (Arabic script)
Legal: Sale
Istīw (Istīb)

Physical Description

Complete, black ink.
Over 20 fold lines.


An acknowledgement of a land sale by a woman. Possibly issued at the order of the buyer.


  • The Gregorian calendar: 24 June 1220 (1220-06-24)
  • The Hijri calendar: 20 Rabīʿ II 617 (0617-04-20)


  • Khadīja bt. Khwāja ʿAlī b. Ḥusayn
  • khwāja ʿAlī b. Ḥasan b. Abū Bakr (khwāja ʿAlī b. Ḥasan b. Abū Bakr, , known as Ḥājjī)
  • khwāja ʿUmar b. Abū Bakr
  • Abū Bakr b. Ibrāhīm
  • Ḥusayn b. Khiḍr b. ʿAlī


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Ofir Haim
Arezou Azad, Majid Montazermahdi, Nabi Saqee
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1. recto
 بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم 1
اقرار کرد کدبانو جلیله خدیجه بنت خواجه علی بن 2
حسین از قصبهء استیو اند[ر] حال جواز اقرار 3
طائعه راغبه غیر مکرهه و لا مجبره بران جمله که بفروخت 4
یک قطعه زمین کوهی در کوه استیو بموضع که آنرا 5
وخ گردک[؟] گویند معروف مساحت چهل 6
فیمانه و پنج  فیمانه به دو دینار دانگ نیم زر عین 7
مضروب نیشاپوری که نیمه بود یک دینار نیم دانگ تسو 8
مر خواجه اجل علی بن حسن بن ابی بکر یعرف حاجی را 9
بچهار حد حد اول ویرثان خواجه عمر ابو بکر و حد 10
دوم مشتری هذا و حد سه‌م  ویرثان؟ ابو بکر ابراهیم   11
طریق و حد چهارم تکاب آب رو بفروخت این یک قطعه زمین محدود معین را 12
از دو تیر یک تیر که حق وی بود این چهل و پنج فیمانه 13
فروختن جایز شرعی بات بتات و بها این زمین تمامت 14
تسلیم کرد و نماند این کدبانو خدیجه را اندر این زمین 15
معین هیچ حقی و تملکی و مشتری این زمین را دید و پسندید 16
و در تصرف خود آورد خواهد بدارد و خواهد 17
بفروشد در تصرف کردن این زمین وی اولیترست 18
و کدبانو خدیجه تمام بها قبض کرد چنانک بهیچ نووع 19
ویرا و نه ویرثان ویرا درین زمین و نه در بهاء این 20
زمین هیچ حقی نماند و نیز کدبانو خدیجه در ضمان شد 21
که اگر کسی استحقاق آرد جواب گوید و الا ثمن 22
باز رساند و این خط بفرمود نبشته بتاریخ 23
بیست ام ماه ربیع الاخر بسنه سبع عشر 24
و ستمائه  کتبه 25
حسین بن خضر بن علی بخطه 26
27   بحضور من بود و کتبه حسین بن حسن بن عمر بامره
28 بحضور من بود و کتبه محمد بن احمد بن ابابکر بامره برین جمله بود و کتبه یوسف بن حسین بن یوسف بامره
1 In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate.
2-3 The esteemed lady Khadīja bt. Khwāja ʿAlī b. Ḥusayn, who is legally capable of acknowledgement, from the town of Istīw, has acknowledged,  
4 wilfully, of her own volition and without coercion or force, the following: She has sold 
5 one parcel of mountain land on Istīw Mountain, in a place famously called
6 Wakh-i Girdak (?), with a surface area [equivalent to the volume of] forty-
7 five bowls [of seed for sowing], for [the price of] two dīnārs and one and a half dāng of Nishapur-minted gold,
8 half of which is one dīnār, half a dāng, and one tasū.
9 [She sold the land] to the illustrious khwāja ʿAlī b. Ḥasan b. Abū Bakr, known as Ḥājjī, and it has the [following] 
10 four boundaries: the first boundary [is adjacent to the property of] the heirs of khwāja ʿUmar [b.] Abū Bakr; the second boundary
11 [is adjacent to the property of] this buyer; the third boundary [is adjacent to] the property of the] heirs of Abū Bakr [b.] Ibrāhīm
12 the road; the fourth boundary [is adjacent to] Tagāb-i Ābraw. She has sold this parcel of land, the boundaries of which have been defined and specified, [namely]
13 the one share that she owns out of two, [which comprises] the said [surface area] forty-five bowls.   
14 [It is] a valid sale, according to Islamic law, absolutely definitive. The price of this land 
15 has been made in full. The lady Khadīja no longer has rights to this land nor 
16 any possession of it. The buyer viewed this land and was pleased with it.
17 He has occupied it, and if he wishes, he can keep or sell it;
18 it is up to him [to decide] who occupies this land.
19 The lady Khadīja has taken the payment in full. Therefore, 
20 neither she nor her heirs have any rights to this land, and nothing remains unpaid from the [agreed] price 
21 of this land. Also, the lady Khadīja has guaranteed that
22 if anyone makes a claim [to the property], it is her responsibility to handle it. Otherwise,
23 she must pay back the money [she received in the land sale]. This document was ordered to be written on the date of 
24-25 the 20th of Rabīʿ II, in year 617. 
26 Ḥusayn b. Khiḍr b. ʿAlī wrote this in his hand.
27   This was done in my presence, and Ḥusayn b. Ḥasan b. ʿUmar wrote it at his order.
28 This was done in my presence, and Muḥammad b. Aḥmad b. Abā Bakr wrote it at his order. It happened thus, and Yūsuf b. Ḥusayn b. Yūsuf wrote it at his order.
New Persian: Khalili Collection, DOC 37: Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of Khalili Collection