Bactrian: Aman ur Rahman Collection, Sims-Williams jf
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Sims-Williams jf
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)

Physical Description

Written on leather, the writing surface shows fold lines and tears.


This document is a draft or copy of two letters. It it does not bear an address or any trace of a sealing. The letters seem to be correspondences between merchants.


  • The Gregorian calendar: Before c. 705 (Estimated date: 0705)


  • Zhulad
  • Zhulad
  • Spring (Aspring)
  • Zhadsar


  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas. 2007. Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan volume II. (Pages: 132-3)
    Catalogue Number: jf
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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Nicholas Sims-Williams
Zhen Zheng
The transcription and translation have been taken from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1. recto
2. verso
1 αβο ζολαδο φριιο βραδο οδαβο υαμ-
2 αχονδο χανιγανο λροδο ναμωσο
3 γαοοανζιγο μισιδο ι οϸβιγγο ι μα-
4 ναγγο βαγο μαρο φοϸτιιηδο οδο-
5 μο οιλιργο σαριγο φοϸτιιο σιδο ο-
6 ρβαγγο κιρανο οδασο ι χαρο πορ-
7 δανιγο οδο γονζο οδο ροτιγο μαρο
8 φοϸτιιο οδαβαχρηγο αʹ Δραχμο
9 τ̣ωζο οδο αʹ Δραχμο καραφσο
10 ταδο πακασο χιρανο οδομο μισο
11 σαγισο αστο μαλο ταδδηιο ταρο
12 φοϸτιιανο οδαβο ζολαδο οδαβο ζαδο-
13 σμαρο λροδο ναμωσο ασο ζολαδο μισιδο
14 σογγο πιδο Δροστανο αρμαυηδο χοαδο ο-
15 δο σραοοιτο ταδομο νιτιιο οτασιδδηνο
16 μισο σαχοανο οδο φρομανο ασταδο ταδο-
17 μο νιτιιηδο οδαβο φριιακο Δογγο γοβο κι-
18 δασο δοδαγο αʹ κανδαγο πιδο ραμινο μαρο
19 φοϸτιιο οδαβο σπριγγο Δογγο γοβο κιδο ι καρ-
20 αφσαγγο σαχοανο ι υαρσο μαφροοησο κιδδηνο
21 ι υαγ̣δ̣α̣οο ωσινδο οδδηνο ανδαρο αβαχρηγο νι-
22 στο
23 ο̣τ̣ο̣μο̣ σ̣τ̣ο̣ρο ταρο φ̣ο̣-
24 ϸ̣ταδο μαν̣ο γαοοανζιγ̣ο̣ π̣ι̣-
25 δο πιϸα̣μ̣ω̣σο
1 To Zhulad, (my) dear brother, and to the
2 assembled members of the household, dutiful greetings (and) homage.
3-4 Moreover, you (pl.) should send hither my share of the . . . And
5 you (sg.) should send me . . . silk(?) (from) which
6-8 I may make armour(?). And (apart) from this, send hither a donkey-saddle and a bag and a rope(?). And pay one dirham (as) a fee
9 and one dirham (as) a surcharge(?).
10 Then I shall buy . . . And (if) I
11-12 have something more here, I shall send it thither (to you). And to Zhulad and to Zhad-
13 smar, greetings (and) homage from Zhulad. Moreover,
14 in as much as you (pl.) remain in (good) health, (both) yourselves
15 and . . ., you (sg.) should send me (word). So, whatever
16 further news and orders you (pl.) may have,
17 send me (word). And you (sg.) should say thus to Friyak:
18-19 “Send one . . . hither from the family(?) on account of Ramin”. And say thus to Spring:
20 “Do not speak at all of the matter of a surcharge(?), because their
21-22 authorities(?) (are) in agreement and there is no other fee (payable) to them”.
23-25 And I have sent . . . thither (to you) my dutiful (greetings) with . . .
Bactrian: Aman ur Rahman Collection, Sims-Williams jf: Folio (recto)
Bactrian: Aman ur Rahman Collection, Sims-Williams jf: Folio (verso)
Images courtesy of Aman ur Rahman Collection