Bactrian: Khalili Collection, DOC 114
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DOC 114
Khalili Collection
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
Legal: Loan / Debt

Physical Description

Written on leather Writing surface with fold lines and tears


This document is a contract of loan. At the market of Rob, Deb and his wife Wiraz-finz took a loan of 40 Persian silver dirhams from Khudew-mareg and Wisburg-mareg, sons of Hinsar with an interest of two dirhams per month, or 60% per annum.


  • The Gregorian calendar: 30 July 671 (671-07-30)
  • The calendar of the Bactrian era: 24 Second New-Year 449 (0449-02-24)


  • Zhun-lad
  • Deb-raz
  • Khudew-mareg son of Hinsar
  • Khusaru
  • Wisburg-mareg son of Hinsar
  • Deb
  • Wiraz-finz


  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas. 2000. Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan, Volume I. Nour Foundation. (Pages: 88-91)
    Catalogue Number: Q
  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas (ed.). 2012. Bactrian documents from Northern Afghanistan. I: Legal and economic documents (Studies in the Khalili Collection 3). Revised edition. Vol. VI. London: The Nour Foundation. (Pages: 88-91)
    Catalogue Number: Q
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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Nicholas Sims-Williams
Zhen Zheng
The transcription and translation have been taken from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1 αχϸονο υʹ μʹ θʹ μαυο βιδ̣δινωσαρλο ρωσο δδινο καλδο να-
2 βιχτο παροβωστιγο μαλαβο σαμιγγαν̣ο̣ ωδα̣[γο α]βο μαρωγανο αβο̣
3 ρωβοχαραγγο οασαρο εζδδηβιδο βαγο ραμοσητο λαδοιανο λαδοαγαλγο
4 οαρσοχοανδο ακιδδηιο σπασο νιϸ̣αλμο μαλαβο μαρωγανο αβο οα-
5 σαρινδο εζδδηβιδο ζονολαδο ϸαβορανο ιαβζοδοφαραυο χαγανο τα̣-
6 παγλιυο υιλιτοβηρο ρωβοχαρο πισο ταρχανο χοσαρο̣ο ταρχανο πο-
7 ρο οδ̣ο πισο δδηβοραζο ρωβοχαραγγο οα̣σαροβιδο χαιιαχο οδο πισο μα-
8 νδαρουανισο αζαδοκαρο ακιδο οαλο πιδο μιλαγ̣[γ]ο̣[ αρ]μαστινδο οτασο ε-
9 μο σαχοανο ζανινδο μισιδο ωσο α̣γ̣γιτο μανο δδηβο ι̣αλ̣ογανο πορο ταρμ̣ιδδι-
10 γο ζα̣δ̣αγο ασο λιζο ακιδομηνο χανο υωριγανο γιρλινδο οδο ωσο μαλαβο σα-
11 μιγγανο ωδαγο αρμαυιμο οδο μα̣νο οιραζοφινζο δδηβο ολο οδο μαχαγγοa
12 βραδο πορο ασαφαγο χοδδηοομαρηγο οδασαφαγο οισβοργομαρηγο αλο βρ-
13 αδρανο υινοσαρο πορανο οδασο ταμαχαγγο βραδο πορο̣ φο̣ρζανδανο δδραχμ̣-
14 ο καοοαδο σιμινο ϸιζγο ωδαγο οιζινδδιγο παρσαγ̣[γο μʹ] παρο πιδο οαχο ταδο
15 λαυαμο αβο οισο μαυο βʹ παρσαγγο καοοαδο οα̣χ̣[ο ο]δ̣ο καλδο ταοο χοδδηοο-
16 μαρηγο οδο ταμαχαγγο καδαγιγανο χοβο δδραχμο γαοοανζιγο βοοαδο κοαδο
17 μισο πιδο οαχο υιρτο ναριμαδο ταδο αβαμαχο πιδοοασινδανο πιδο αʹ μαυο
18 απισταρο ιαζδο κιρο ταδο λαυαμο μʹ καοοαδο αλο ιασαδαγο οαχο αβο ζαμανο σπο-
19 ριγο καλδο λαδο ναϸιιαμο ταδο παδοαχϸ̣ανηιο τογο χοδδηοομαρηγο οδο
20 τ̣αοοαγγο βραδο πορο ασαμαχο πιδοοασινδανο χολιστοb αβηπαροδωγο καδαγο
21 αβανδαρονιγο βηνιγο ζιιανο κιρδο στωρο μα̣ρ̣[σκονδο ]δογγο ζιιανο κιρδο ασι-
22 δο αʹ βʹ εζαδο οδαβαμαχ̣ο πιδοοασινδανο χοαδ̣[ο •]υιτοc οισκαβδο αβο χοβο
23 υαργο ωσταδο ταδδηιο πιδο ζιιανο αυμαρο οιτο ζιδαγο αβισκαβδδιγο αβο χο-
24 βο υαργοληρο οιτο καλδο μασκο ναβιχτιγο δδρα-
25 χμο οαχο αλ̣ο̣ μαδαριγο σποριγο αβιρηδο κοαδασο
26 ζιιανο οιλισ̣τ̣ο κιρδο ναπαδοαχϸ̣αναμο ναγιρτο ναλ̣α̣δ̣-
27 ο γοβαδο νασασκιγο παροβωστιγο σωγανδ̣ο̣ λ̣α̣δο οτο
28 καλδο πιδο ζιιανο γιρζαμο αλασ̣ο χοβο π̣ιτανο δδρωγο
29 ανδαροζαγγ̣ο κι[ραμ]ο ταδο τα̣οοανο τωζαμο φαρο λαδο-
30 βα̣ρο αβο γαζνο δδραχμο παρσαγγο π̣ʹ οδο μισο πʹ πα̣-
31 ρσαγγο φαρο πα̣δο̣αρλιγο τωζαμο οδο ειο παροβωστι-
32 γο πισοοαριγο παρβαρμιγο ναβισιδο ακιδδηιο υαρσο αβ-
33 ηγο εζβαραδο ταδο φαρο οισο κισο οοοαρο παρμανο
34 βοοαδο
35 δδ̣ηβο̣ρ̣α̣ζο τα̣ρχανο ρ[ω]βο̣χ̣α̣ρο̣[ β̣[αγο ραμοσητο] δ̣δηλοe οιραζοφινζ[ο
1 αχϸονο υʹ μʹ θʹ [. . . ]β̣[ι]δ̣διγονωγοσαρλο ρωσο δδινο καλδο ναβιχτο παρο-
2 βωστιγο μαλαβο̣[ . . . αβ]ο μαρωγανο αβο ρωβοχ̅α̅ρ̅α̅γγο οασαρο εζδδ̣-
3 [η]βιδο βαγο ραμο̣[σητο . . . λαδο]αγαλγο οαρσοχοανδο ακιδδηιο σπασο οδο νιϸ̣[α]
4 [λ]μο μαλαβο μαρ[ωγανο . . . οασαρινδ]ο εζδ̣δηβιδο ζονολαδο ϸαβορανο ιαβ[ζοδο]
5 φ̣αραυο χ̣α̣[γανο . . . υιλιτοβη]ρ̣ο ρωβοχ̅α̅ρ̅ο οδο πισο ταρχανο χοσ̣α̣[ροο …]
6 [… ρω]βοχ̅α̅ρ̅α̅γ̣γ̣ο οα̣σαροβιδο χαιιαχο οδ̣ο̣ […]
7 [… αρμαστ]ι̣νδο οτασο εμο σαχοα̣[νο …]
8 [… ταρμ]ι̣δδιγο ασο λιζο ακ̣[ιδομο …]
9 [… ο]λ̣ο̣ ακιδ̣ο̣[μο …]
1 (It was) the year 449, the month Second New-year, the day Din, when
2 (this) loan-contract was written here in the district of Samingan, at Marogan,
3 the market of the khars of Rob, with the cognizance of the god Ram-set, the granter of favours (and) granter of wishes,
4 the wonderful, whose worship (and) seat are here at Marogan, at the market,
5-6 with the cognizance of Zhun-lad Shaburan, the tapaghlïgh iltäbir of the qaghan prosperous in glory, khar of Rob, (and) in the presence of the tarkhan, the son of Khusaru the tarkhan,
7 and in the presence of Deb-raz, senior overseer of the market of the khars of Rob, and also in the presence of the
8 other freemen who were present there amongst (them) and (who)
9 bear witness concerning this matter. Now: there has now been received by me, Deb son of Yalgan, a native of Tarmid,
10 from the fortress, we (sic!) whose house they call Horigan, and (who) am now
11 present here in the district of Samingan, and by me, Wiraz-finz wife of Deb, and our
12 brothers (and) sons, from you, Khudew-mareg, and from you, Wisburg-mareg, with (your)
13 brothers, the sons of Hinsar, and from your (pl.) brothers, sons (and) descendants,
14 [forty] good, locally current Persian silver dirhams of (king) Kawad (as) a loan with interest. Then
15 we shall give each month two Persian (dirhams) of (king) Kawad (as) interest. And if by you, Khudew-
16 mareg, and the members of your household, your own dirhams shall be needed, so that
17 it is no more convenient to leave (them) at interest, then give (sg.) notice to us, the declarants, by one month
18 before, (and) then we shall give (you) the forty (dirhams) of (king) Kawad with the accrued interest in full at the (proper) time.
19 If we cannot give (it to you), then you (sg.) have the right—you, Khudew-mareg, and
20-21 your brothers (and) sons—to fix a nonrefundable penalty of (property) inside (or) outside the house, (payable) by us, the declarants personally, to fix such a penalty of cattle (or) sl[aves . . .] which
22 may amount to (a rate of) two (to) one, and to impose (it) on us, the declarants ourselves, [regardless of] protests, towards (your) own
23 dues. Then, in settlement of the penalty, (it is to be) exacted (and handed over) without protest to your (sg.) own
24 collector of dues until (the time) when
25 you (pl.) may obtain in full the dirhams described herein—the interest together with the capital—so that
26 we shall not have (any) right to make a deduction from the penalty, nor to complain, nor
27 to invoke the law, nor to give a superordinate loan-contract (or) oath. And
28 if we complain about the penalty, or falsely
29 act otherwise than (according to our) own guarantee, then we shall pay a fine to the judge,
30 to the treasury, of eighty Persian dirhams, and also
31 we shall pay eighty Persian (dirhams) to the opposite party. And this loan-contract
32 is written . . . Whoever
33-34 may produce it, then may it be (considered) valid (and) authoritative for everyone.
35 Deb-raz The khar of Rob The khar of Rob The g[od Ram-set] Del (sic) (and) Wiraz-finz
1 (It was) the year 449, [the month] Second New-year, the day Din, when (this) loan-contract was written
2 here in [the district of Samingan, at] Marogan, the market of the khars of Rob, with the cognizance
3 of the god Ram-[set, the granter of favours (and) granter] of wishes, the wonderful, whose worship (and) seat
4 [are] here at Mar[ogan, at the market, with the cognizance of Zhun-lad Shaburan,
5 [the tapaghlïgh iltäbir of the qaghan] prosperous in glory, khar of Rob, and in the presence of the tarkhan, [the son of] Khusa[ru the tarkhan,
6 and in the presence of Deb-raz], senior overseer of the market of the khars of Rob, and [also
7 in the presence of the other freemen who] were [present there amongst them] and (who) [bear witness] concerning this matter.
8 [Now: there has now been received by me, Deb son of Yalgan], inhabitant of Tarmid, from the fortress, [I whose house they call Horigan, and by me Wiraz-finz],
9 wife [of Deb, I] whose [house they call . . .] . . .

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Seal 1
Photograph of this seal
Seal 2
Photograph of this seal
Bactrian: Khalili Collection, DOC 114: Folio (closed, recto)
Bactrian: Khalili Collection, DOC 114: Folio (closed, verso)
Bactrian: Khalili Collection, DOC 114: Folio (open, recto)
Images courtesy of Khalili Collection