New Persian: Afghanistan National Archives, Firuzkuh 66
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Firuzkuh 66
Silver (given following internal peer review)
New Persian (Arabic script)

Physical Description

5 fold lines, complete, black ink


A letter requesting the recipient, an imām, to mention the sender in his prayers for strengthening his faith.


  • The Gregorian calendar: None


  • Sharaf al-Dīn
  • Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Abū Bakr (Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Abī Bakr)


  • Khwaja Muhammad and Nabi Saqee, Barg-hāy az yak faṣl, yā asnād-i tārīkhī-yi Ghur (Kabul: Saʿīd 1388/2009) (Pages: 108-109)
    The IEDC transcription has been revised from this publication.

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Ofir Haim
Arezou Azad, Nabi Saqee
The transcription has been revised from a previous publication (see Publications), the translation is the original work of the IEDC Team (as yet unpublished in peer-review print)
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1. recto
الله [+ 1] 1
خدای تعالی برکات و خیرات را در امام همام اجل عالم عامل 2
اوحد الدین شرف ا[لحـ]ـاج و الحرم [+ 2] 3
پاینده دارد بوجهه الکریم و حقه و رحمته و فضله علی جمیع خلقه 4
داعی عاصی محمد بن محمد بن ابی بکر تاب الله علیه و اصلحه دعا می گوید 5
و بدعاء ایمان مدد می خواهد فرزند اعز (؟) شریف الدین را 6
و دیگر اعزه (؟) را بدعا یاد بیشتر می آید مستجاب باد همه وقت 7
جملۀ دوستان و عزیزان را دعا گفته می شود و اعزه (؟) را 8
و اگر لطفی باشد بدعاء ایمان در مجالس علم و محافل ذکر 9
یاد می فرماید         والله تعالی قریب مجیب لمن دعا فیه 10
1 God [+ 1]
2 May God Almighty bestow [His] blessings and good things upon the magnificent and illustrious imām, the able ʿālim,
3 Awḥad al-Dīn, the pride of pilgrims and the Shrine [of Mecca] [+ 2], 
4 for eternity, and to all creatures through His kindness, His justice, His mercy, and His grace.
5 This sinful supplicant, Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Abī Bakr, may God accept his repentance and mend his ways, supplicates
6 and asks for support during faith[-affirming] prayers. I mention the dearest child, Sharaf al-Dīn,
7 and the other great ones, in my prayers always. May they be accepted.
8 I constantly pray for all [my] friends and dear ones, and all great ones.
9 If he could be so kind, please mention [me] in faith[-affirming] prayers during learned gatherings and dhikr assemblies.
10                 God Almighty is near. He responds to the one who prays to him.

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