Arabic: Private Collection, Gronke IV (Arabic No. 7)
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Gronke IV (Arabic No. 7)
Private Collection
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
Arabic (Arabic script)
Legal: Inheritance

Physical Description

Fragment of a document - the lower half is missing.
Four horizontal fold lines are visible.


An appointment to guardianship.
Fragment of a document of which the lower part has gone. 9 lines of text in cursive script without diacritical dots.


  • The Gregorian calendar: 31 December 1124 (1124-12-31)
  • The Hijri calendar: 15 Dhū al-Qaʿda 518 (0518-11-15)


  • Aḥmad b. Ḥusayn b. Yılmaz (Aḥmad b. al-Ḥusayn b. Yılmaz)
  • Abū al-Riḍā b. Abū al-Qāsim
  • ʿĪsā al-Baqqāl b. Muḥammad Sübashı
  • Muḥammad b. Yūsuf Otaghbashı b. Yahūd Ikän Sübashı (Muḥammad)
  • Abū al-Qāsim b. Yūsuf Otaghbashı b. Yahūd Ikän Sübashı (Abū 'l-Qāsim)


  • Gronke, Monika. "The Arabic Yārkand Documents." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 49/3, 1986. pp. 454-507 (Pages: 500-501)
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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Ofir Haim
The transcription and translation have been taken from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1. recto
بسم الله الرحمن [الرحـ]ـیم 1
یقول احمد بن الحسین بن یلماز الحاکم ببوسکام و نواحیها عن الشیخ القاضی الاجل السید الامام ابی الرضا بن ابی القاسم 2
انه حضر مجلس الحکم قبل بها فی العشر الاوسط من ذی القعدة فی شهور سنة ثمان عشرة و خمسایة 3
المسمی عیسی البقال بن محمد سوباشی فرفع حال صغیرین محمد و ابو <ا>لقسم ابی ترکان یوسف اوتاغ باشی بن 4
یهود ایکان سوباشی و ان والدهما مات لا عن وصی الی احد و لا وصیة و احتاجا وصی ذی ثقة و صلاح 5
و سداد یحفظهما و یحفظ اموالهما و یقوم علی راسهما و ینفذهما الی وقت بلوغها فوقع الاتفاق 6
علی عیسی بن محمد سوباشی هذا لما عرف من صلاحه و کفایته و عفافه و امر به اولا بتقوی الله سبحـ<ـا>نه و تعالی 7
فی قدره و علاءببعد ان لا یقرب مالهما الا بالبر هی حسی و منعته عن بیع عقاره و قطع اسشجاره فقبل منی 8
هذه الوصایة شفاها مواجهة و ضمن القیام بذلك بعون الله و حسن توفیقه و التمس منی ان اثبت الوصایة 9
. . .] 10
1 In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
2 Aḥmad, son of al-Ḥusayn, son of Yılmaz, ḥākim of Posgām and its districts, (appointed) by the shayḫ, the sublime qāḍī, the sayyid, the imām, Abū 'l-Riḍā, son of Abū 'l-Qāsim, says:
3 'In the local court of law has appeared before me, in the middle of Ḏu 'l-Qa'da in the months of the years 518,
4 the so called ʿĪsā al-Baqqāl, son of Muḥammad Sübashı. He referred (to me) the situation of the two minors Muḥammad and Abū 'l-Qāsim, the two sons of Tärkän (?) Yūsuf Otaghbashı, son of
5 Yahūd İkän Sübashı: their father had died without a guardian for anybody or testament, and they both (now) needed a guardian who was trustworthy, upright
6 and honest to protect them and their property, to care for them and to guide them (lit. make them attain) to (the moment of) their coming of age. Unanimously
7 this ʿĪsā, son of Muḥammad Sübashı, was chosen because he was renowned for his uprightness, ability and integrity, and was charged before all, to fear God - may he be praised and extolled -
8 in his almightiness and sublimity, . . . not to touch their (i.e. the children's) property except with piety . . . and to refuse to sell its land and to cut its trees. He accepted
9 this guardianship orally and directly from me, and vouched for its under- taking with the help of God and His good assistance. He (then) asked me to write down the guardianship
10 for him in the form of a document . . .]

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Arabic: Private Collection, Gronke IV (Arabic No. 7): Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of Private Collection