Arabic: Private Collection, Gronke III (Arabic No. 5)
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Gronke III (Arabic No. 5)
Private Collection
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
Arabic (Arabic script)
Uighur (Uighur script)
Legal: Sale (bayʿ)

Physical Description

Well-preserved document, although the paper is partially blackened. Trace of horizontal folding are clearly visible. Due to the poor quality of the photographs, it is difficult to say how many folios the document is written on, and whether or not the verso is used on any of them.
11 horizontal fold lines visible on the first photograph 13 horizontal fold lines visible on the second photograph 13 horizontal fold lines visible on the third photograph


A Land sale contract.
Well-preserved document, although the paper is partially blackened. Trace of horizontal folding are clearly visible. Cursive script with very scarce diacritical dots. Pale ink. 29 lines of text, followed by 20 lines listing witnesses in Turkish, 2 lines of these being written in Uighur script. The Arabic characters of this witnesses' passage in Turkish are of greater size than those in the text of the document and written with thick ink, maybe by a different person. A separate attestation of a witness inserted between the text of the document, and the Turkish passage presents the same peculiarities of writing.


  • The Gregorian calendar: 22 May 1121 (1121-05-22)
  • The Hijri calendar: 25 Ṣafar 515 (0515-02-25)


  • Isrāfīl Chaflı Sübashı b. Hārūn Ögä b. Shukrī Qarluq
  • Tamghachı al-Ḥājib b. Ḥusayn Ḥajjāj b. Nūshtegīn Ögä (Tamġačı al-Ḥāgib b. al-Ḥusayn al-Ḥajjāj b. Nūštegīn Ögä)
  • Yaḥya Inal al-Ḥājib b. ʿUthmān Qutluq-Eugè
  • Masʿūd Toġrıl Sübašı
  • ʿUmar b. Tamghachı al-Ḥājib b. Ḥusayn Ḥajjāj b. Nūshtegīn Ögä (ʿUmar)
  • ʿUṯmān b. Tamghachı al-Ḥājib b. Ḥusayn Ḥajjāj b. Nūshtegīn Ögä (ʿUṯmān)
  • Nūrāsī b. Tamghachı al-Ḥājib b. Ḥusayn Ḥajjāj b. Nūshtegīn Ögä (Nūrāsī)
  • Muḥammad Sharābdār Khaylbashı b. Ināl Bäk (Muḥammad Šarābdār Ḫaylbašı)
  • Ilyās Khāṣṣ Ḥājib
  • Aḥmad Tamġačı ʿUṯmān b. Naḫāğī Ḥāğib (Aḥmad Tamġačı ʿUthmān)
  • Muḥammad Sharābdār Khaylbašı Bogha
  • Ṣāliḥ Sharābdār b. Dāneshmand (Ṣāliḥ Šarābdār)
  • Muḥammad
  • Masʿūd Toghrıl Sübashı b. Hārūn Ögä (Masʿūd Toġrıl Sübašı)
  • Ibrāhīm b. Muḥammad Sübashı (Ibrāhīm)
  • Maḥmūd Ināl b. Ilyās Khāṣṣ Ḥājib (Maḥmūd)
  • Mūsā b. Muḥammad Sübashı (Mūsā)
  • Oġul Ḫaylbašı b. Yabġu Bäk (Oġul Ḫaylbašı)
  • Rasultar
  • Imga
  • Maḥmūd Sharābdār b. Isḥāq Khāṣṣ Khaylbashı (Maḥmūd Šarābdār)
  • ʿUmar b. Nakhājī Ḥājib (ʿUmar)


  • Gronke, Monika. "The Arabic Yārkand Documents." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 49/3, 1986. pp. 454-507 (Pages: 492-500)
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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1. recto
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم 1
هذا ما اشتری المسمی اسرافیل چافلی سوباشی بن هارون اوکا بن شکری قرلق جده من المسمی 2
تـ]ـمغاچی الحاجب بن الحسن الحجاج بن نوشتگین اوکا جمیع کرم وحمی و قطعة ارض مبذرة 3
خمـ[ـسـ]ـة عشر وقر حنطة [....] للـ[ـزر]اعـ[ـة] و مشجرة حور التی موضع الکل بسنماس ماورا النهر کسو 4
وهی قریة من قری کورة یارکنده بحضرة مسجد منسوب الی یحیی انال الحاجب التی تشتمل علی الکل 5
و تحیط بها حدود اربعة اما الکرم فحده الاول لزیق الجادة والثانی لزیق کرم للبایع المسمی فیه 6
و الثالث لزیق ارض لمسعود طغرل سوباشی و الرابع لزیق ازاك و اما القطعة الارض فحدها الاول 7
لزیق ساقیة اراضی البایع المسمی فیه والثانی لزیق ارض المشتری المسمی فیه و الثالث لزیق نهر یدعی 8
الملا بتق و الرابع لزیق نهر یدعی یقالق و اما الشجرة فحدها الاول و الثانی لزیق کرم للبایع 9
المسمی فیه و الثالث لزیق چمکات و الرابع لزیق مسجد ا[لار]ض منسوب الی المشتری المسمی فیه 10
اشتری هذا المشتری المسمی فیه من البایع المسمی فیه جمیع الکرم و الحمی و القطعة الارض و المشجرة 11
التی ذکر موضعها و بین حدودها فیه بجمیع حدودها و حقوقها و مرافقها و اشجار الکرم و الحمی و المشجرة 12
المثمرة و غیرها و جمیع عمارة الکرم و غراسه و فضایه و نالاته و اصلها و مرٮها و طرقها و مسلك 13
طرقها و شربها بمجاریه و مسیل مجری مایها فی حقوقه و کل حق هو له فیها و منها داخل فیها 14
و خارج منها و کل قلیل و کثیر هو له فیها و کل ما هو معروف بها و منسوب الیها بخمسة 15
عشر الاف‌ف و خمسایة درهم التی یکون نصفها سبعة الاف‌ف و سبعمایة و خمسون درهما 16
نقد البلدة یارکنده کلها جیادا نافعة رایجة متنقدة شرا صحیحا جایزا نافذا باتا بتاتا بتة بتلة 17
خالیا عن الشروط المفسدة و المعانی المبطلة و قـ[ـبض] البایع المسمی فیه جمیع الثمن 18
المذکور مبلغ فیه تاما وافیا عملا بایفا المشتری المسمی فیه جمیع 19
المبیع المذکور فیه بتسلیم البایع المسمی فیه فارغا غیر مشغول و ضمن البایع المسمی فیه ضمان الدرك 20
و الستحقاق لهذا المشتری المسمی فیه ضمانا صحیحا شفاها خطابا و تفرقا عن مجلس العقد بعد صحة و ابرامه 21
تفرق الابدان و الاقوال عن تراض منهما بعد ان قری علیهما بلسان [....عر]فـ[ـا]ه و فهماه و اقرا ان الامر کما 22
بین فیه من غیر زیادة و لا نقصان و اشهدا علی ذلك کله الثقات و العدول الذین اثبتوا اسماهم 23
آخر هذا الذکر حال کونهم من اهل طایعین راغبین غیر مکرهین و لا مجبر علیهما لا علة بهما من مرض و لا غیرها 24
من العلل المانعة التصرف و ذلك لخس لیال بقین من صفر من شهور سنة خمسة عشر و خمسایة 25
و اقر المسمی عمر و عثمان و نوراسی کلهم اولاد البایع المسمی فیه و کنی بالله شهیدا 26
حال کونهم من اهل طایعین راغبین ان جمیع المبیع المذ[کور] کان ملکا لابیهم 27
و هو البایع المسمی فیه و معه لا ملک لهم فی جمیعها و لا فی بعضها و لا فی حق من حقوقها بالتاریخ 28
هذا المورخ فیه 29

Witnesses' section

شهد بذلك 30
اینال بك اغلی محمد 31
شرابدار خیل باشی 32
تنوق من <تـ>ـنق من 33
الیاس خاص حاجب من نخاجی حاجب اغلی 34
{اوغلی} احمد تمغاچی عثمان اوز نشانم اردم 35
محمد شراابدارخیل باشی بوغا من دانشمند اغلی 36
{اوغلی} صالح شرابدار تنق من محمد تنق من 37
هارون اوکا اوغلی من مسعود طغریل 38
سوباشی تنق من 39
محمد سوباشی اوغلی من ابراهیم بو{ا}خط 40
اورا تنق من محمد سوباشی اوغلی 41
موسی تنق من 42
الیاس خاص حاجب اغلی من محمود 43
اینال تنق من 44
یبغوابك اوغلی من اغل خیل باشی تنوق من 45
X'NYP (or S'RYP) T'NWX 47
اسحاق خاص خیل باشی اوغلی محمود شرابدار 48
بوخط اوزا تنوق من 49
50 بو{ا} خط تنغ من من نخاجی
51 حاجب اغلی عمر اوا
52 بوخط اوز نشانم اردم
1 In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
2 This is what the so called Isrāfīl Chaflı Sübashı, son of Hārūn Ögä, son of Shukrī Qarluq, his ancestor, has bought from the so called
3 Ta]mghachı (?) al-Ḥājib, son of al-Ḥusayn al-Ḥajjāj, son of Nūshtegīn Ögä, namely, the whole of a vineyard and an enclosure of orchards and a plot of land (representing) a sowing area
4 for fifteen donkey-loads of [. . .] wheat to be grown, and a wood of poplars, which are all located at Sınmas beyond the river . . .,
5 one of the villages of the Yārkanda province, facing the mosque named after Yaḥyā Inal al-Ḥājib, (with) four boundaries encompassing
6 and surrounding all of these: as to the vineyard, its first boundary is contiguous to the main road, the second one is contiguous to a vineyard of the seller named herein,
7 the third one is contiguous to a (plot of) land of Masʿūd Toghrıl Sübashı, and the fourth one is contiguous to Äzäk; as to the plot of land, its first boundary
8 is contiguous to the irrigation canal of the land of the seller named herein, the second one is contiguous to the land of the buyer named herein, the third one is contiguous to an irrigation canal called
9 Almıla Batıq, and the fourth one is contiguous to an irrigation canal called Yaqalıq; and as to the wood, its first and second boundaries are con- tiguous to a vineyard of the seller
10 named herein, the third one is contiguous to Chimkät, and the fourth one is contiguous to the mosque on the plot named after the buyer named herein.
11 This buyer named herein has bought from the seller named herein the whole of the vineyard, the enclosure of orchards, the plot of land and the wood
12 whose location has been mentioned and whose boundaries have been stated herein, with all their boundaries, rights and appurtenances, the trees of the vineyard, the enclosure of orchards and the wood,
13 be it fruit trees or others, (with) the whole of the cultivated and of the vineyard, its cuttings, its space and its courtyards,(with) their (i.e. of all the sold objects) land and . . ., their paths and the track
14 of their paths and the right to use water for irrigation from their canals and the water conduits and ducts (included) in their rights, and every right connected with them, therein and therefrom, within
15 and without, and everything connected with them therein, be it little or much, and everything which is recognized and attributed to them; for
16 15,500 dirhams whose half is 7,750 dirhams,
17 of the currency of the city of Yārkanda, all of them excellent, useful, current, (to be paid) in cash; in form of a valid, licit, effective, absolutely definitive purchase
18 without conditions to vitiate and to annul it. The seller named herein has received the whole of the price
19 whose amount has been mentioned herein, fully and entirely according to the (legal) practice, pursuant to the payment of the buyer named herein. The buyer named herein has taken possession of the whole
20 of the sold objects mentioned herein which the seller named herein has delivered over to him, freely and without compulsion. The seller named herein has assumed the guarantee against any claim (darak)
21 and complaint of the buyer named herein, (his) guarantee being valid and (given) orally and directly. Both (buyer and seller) have left the place (majlis) of the (execution of) contract after it was valid and firm,
22 by separating from one another physically and verbally to their mutual satisfaction after (the document) had been read to both of them in a language which [. . .] they knew and understood. They have both acknowledged that the transaction (amr) complied with
23 what has been stated herein, without addition or omission. They have both called as witnesses to all this the persons of confidence and integrity who have written down their names
24 at the end of this document, both (buyer and seller) being persons acting voluntarily and according to their wishes, without compulsion and not against their will, being free from any handicap coming from illness and from other
25 handicaps which might prevent them from ownership. This (was written) when five nights were left of Ṣafar which belongs to the months of the year 515.
26 The so called ʿUmar, ʿUthmān and Nūrāsī, all sons of the seller named herein, have acknowledged - God is sufficient as witness -,
27 being persons acting of their own free will and according to their own wishes, that the whole of the sold objects mentioned (in the document) had been in the possession of their father,
28 that is, of the seller named herein, and that they, like him, are (no longer) in possession of the whole (of the sold objects) or of parts of them or of one of their rights; on the date
29 mentioned above in the document.

Witnesses' section


Serving as witnesses:

31 (I), the son of Inal Bäk, Muḥammad
32 Sharābdār Khaylbashı,
33 am witness.-I am witness:
34 Ilyās Khāṣṣ Ḥājib.-I, son of Nakhājī Ḥājib,
35 Aḥmad Tamghachı ʿUthmān, write down my own signature (on this document).-
36 Muḥammad Sharābdār Khaylbashı Bogha.-I, son of Dāneshmand,
37 Ṣāliḥ Sharābdār, I am witness.-(I), Muḥammad, I am witness.-
38 I am the son of Hārūn Ögä, Masʿūd Toghrıl
39 Sübashı, I am witness.-
40 I am the son of Muḥammad Sübashı, Ibrāhīm,
41 I am witness to this document.-(I), son of Muḥammad Sübashı,
42 Mūsā, I am witness.-
43 I am the son of Ilyās Khāṣṣ Ḥājib, Maḥmūd
44 Inal, I am witness.-
45 I am the son of Yabghu Bäk, Oghul (?) Khaylbashı, I am witness.-
46 (in Uighur script) I, Rasultar, am witness to this matter.-Imga
47 (in Uighur script) ... is witness.-
48 (I), son of Isḥāq Khāṣṣ Khaylbashı, Maḥmūd Sharābdār,
49 I am witness to this document.
50 I am witness to this document (?). I, son of Nakhājī
51 Ḥājib, ʿUmar ...
52 have written my signature on this document.
46 bu iškä män Rasul-tar tanuq Imga
47 ... tanuq

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Arabic: Private Collection, Gronke III (Arabic No. 5): Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of Private Collection