Arabic: Private Collection, Gronke II (Arabic No. 6)
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Gronke II (Arabic No. 6)
Private Collection
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
Arabic (Arabic script)
Legal: Inheritance

Physical Description

Well-preserved document with its upper part slightly damaged, but without mutilations of the text. Traces of horizontal folding are clearly visible.
Twenty horizontal folds are clearly visible.


An order of the court concerning an intestacy.
Well-preserved document with its upper part slightly damaged, but without mutilations of the text. Traces of horizontal folding are clearly visible. 25 lines of text, followed by a short line on the left-hand side of the page. Cursive script with few diacritical dots, but sometimes additional signs, and two long interlinear insertions in lines 4 and 12 of the verso. Above the text, 'alāma of the judge, below, three lines of certification also written by the judge. 5 attestations of witnesses.


  • The Gregorian calendar: March 1110 (Estimated date range: 1110-03-22-1110-03-31)
  • The Hijri calendar: Shaʿbān 503 (0503-08) (Estimated date range: 0503-08-21-0503-08-30)


  • ʿUmar b. al-Ḥusayn b. ʿAbd al-Wahhāb
  • Abū Bakr Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Ṣamad (Abū Bakr Muḥammad b. [...] b. ʿUmar al-Samarqandī)
  • Yahūd Ikän Sübashı b. Sādīgh-kashī b. Qut Qaymısh Sübashı al-Khirrīj
  • Yūsuf Otaghbashı b. Yahūd Ikän Sübashı b. Sādīgh-kashī b. Qut Qaymısh Sübashı al-Khirrīj
  • Ḥawrāʿ b. Yahūd Ikän Sübashı b. Sādīgh-kashī b. Qut Qaymısh Sübashı al-Khirrīj
  • Maryam b. Yahūd Ikän Sübashı b. Sādīġ-kashī b. Qut Qaymısh Sübashı al-Khirrīj
  • Niʿmatī b. Yahūd Ikän Sübashı b. Sādīgh-kashī b. Qut Qaymısh Sübashı al-Khirrīj
  • Muḥammad b. Yahūd Ikän Sübashı b. Sādīgh-kashī b. Qut Qaymısh Sübashı al-Khirrīj
  • Yūsuf b. Ilyās b. Muḥammad b. Azīna
  • ʿĀ’iša b. Ilyās b. Muḥammad b. Azīna
  • Fāṭima b. Ilyās b. Muḥammad b. Azīna
  • ʿĀʾisha b. Muḥammad b. Yahūd Ikän Sübashı b. Sādīgh-kashī b. Qut Qaymısh Sübashı al-Khirrīj
  • Āshurā b. Mūsā
  • Abū Bakr b. Muḥammad al-Faqqār (Bū Bakr b. Muḥammad al-Faqqār)
  • Jamāl Muḥammad al-Mutafaqqih
  • Nöker b. ʿUmar b. al-Ḥusayn b. ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (Nöker b. ʿUmar b. Ḥusayn)
  • ʿAlī b. Tājir
  • Aḥmad b. Ghāzī


  • Gronke, Monika. "The Arabic Yārkand Documents." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 49/3, 1986. pp. 454-507 (Pages: 487-492)
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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1. recto
اعتصمت باللـ[ـه] 1
بسم [الله الـ]رحمن الرحیم 2
یقول عمر بن الحسین بن [عبد] الـ[و]هاب الحاکم ببوسکام و کٮشوا و کرمکار و نواحیها من قبل الشیخ القاضی الامام و رکن 3
الاسلام ابی بکر محمد بن ا[...] بن عمر السمرقندی اطال الله بقاه و ادام علوه رفع الی وفاة یهود ایکان ڛوباشی 4
بن سادیع کشی بن قت قایمش سوباشی الخریج//[فی] الشعر الاواخر من شعبان من شهور سنة ثلث و خمسایة//بعد موته بسنین من غیر وصی ولا وصیة الی احد و خلف من الترکة 5
ما یترك امثاله لکافة الناس من الدور و العقار و العبید و الاما و الدواب و المواشي و ما شاکلها من صنوف 6
الاموال وخلف اولادا ذکرا و اناثا کلّهم کبار و منهم المسمی یوسف اوتاغ باشی و الاخری المسماة حورا و الاخری 7
المسماة مریم و الاخری المسماة نعمتی والاخر المڛمی محمد و ماتت حورا و خلفت ثلثة اولاد و منهم المسمی یوس[ف 8
و عایشة و فاطمة بنوا الیاس بن محمد بن ازینه ثم ماتت نعمتی و لم یکن لها ولدٌ ثم مات محمد و خلف ابنتا 9
و هی المسماة عایشة و زوجة و هی المسماة عاشورا بنت موسی فاجتمعوا الورثة الباقون واقربا المیت 10
و طلبوا منی قسمة ترکة مورثهم فرایت المصلحة فی قڛمتها فاجبتهم الی ذلك فقسمت ترکة مورثهم بینهم 11
علی موجب الشرع علی فرایض الله سبحانه و تعـ<ـا>لي و سنة رسوله صلی الله علیه بعد ڡصال موته و تنقیب 12
وصایاه و بعد اخراج طیبت الجند من ماله بامر السلطان اعلاه الله//و بعد ٮحلاف فی جمیع ممالیك و جمیع الدواب و المواشی و العقار//للذکر مثل حظ و الانثیین لکل ابن 13
سهمان و لکل ابنت سهم فما اصاب لابنه المسمی یوسف اوتاغ باشی من ترکة والده المسمی یهود 14
ا> یکان سوباشی نصف الکرم الذی خلف عن مورثهم حدوده الاربعة فاحد حدوده لزیق الکرم الذی خلف عن مورثهم 15
الذی تُرك لاجل الجند و ثانیه لزیق ارض مریم و یوڛف و لزیق ارض یوسف و عایشة فاطمة بنوا 16
الیاس بن محمد بن ازینه و ثالثه لزیق الارض التی ترك لاجل الجند بامر الڛلطان و رابعه کذلك قیمة هذا الکرم 17
المحدود هیالفی درهم و یصیب لیوڛف اوتاغ باشی من قیمة هذا الکرم الف و ثمان مایة درهم و یصیبه 18
من ترکة والده هذا الالف و ثمان مایة درهم و مایتیء درهم ترك الی المسماة مریم بنت یهود ایکان ڛوباشی 19
و الی یوسف و عایشة و فاطمة بنوا الیاڛ من حساب نصیب والدتهم المڛماة جورا و قبض هذا المسمی 20
یوسف اوتاغ باشی هذا الکرم المحدود بتسلیم سایر الورثة الیه و لم یبق له علی سایر الورثة بسبب 21
ترکة مورثهم حق و لا دعوی و لا خصومة و لا منازعة لا قلیل و لا کثیر بسبب ترکة مورٮـهم فلماجرت 22
القسمة عندی هذا و ثبت بمشهدی و تحقق لدی التمس منی هذا المسمی یوسف اوتاغ باشی ان اکتب له 23
ذکرا و اقصر ایدی سایر الورثة عن الکرم و المحدود اجبت الی کلمته و کتبت هذا الذکر لیکون حجة له 24
عند مساس حاجته الیه و قصرت//ایدی//سایر الورثة عن هذا الکرم و اشهدت علی هذا الذکر 25
جمیع من اثبت اسمه فی اخره و ذاک بالتاریخ المورخ فی صدر الکتاب وهو فی العشر الاواخر من شعبان من 26
شهور سنة ثلث و خمسایة 27
یقول عمر بن الحسین بن عبد الوهاب القسمة المذکورة جرت بمشهدی و الکتاب 28
کُتِبَ بامری و الشهود علی هذا الکتاب صاروا شهودا باشهدی و وقعت 29
فی صدره و سیاقه توقیعی و کتبت هذا الاسطر اثلثة مع التوقیع الذی فی  30
صدره بیدی 31
32 شهد بذلك بو بکر ابن محمد الفقار و کتب بخطه
33 اشهدنی الشیخ القاضی علی سجله هذا و کتب جمال محمد المتفقه بیده صح
34 اشهدنی ابی علی کتابه هذا نوکر بن عمر بن ا<لـ>ـحسین {عمر} الحاکم بیده
35 اشهدنی الشیخ القاضی علی کتابه و حکه هذا و کتب علی بن تاجر السکاك بخطه
36 اشهدنی الشیخ القاضی علی علامته و حکمه هذا و کتب احمد بن غازی
1 I take refuge with God.
2 In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
3 ʿUmar, son of al-Ḥusayn, son of [ʿAbd] al-Wa[hhāb], ḥākim of Posgām, K.šwā (?), Karmkār (?) and its districts, (appointed) by the shaykh, the qāḍī, the imām, the pillar
4 of Islam, Abū Bakr Muḥammad, son of [...], son of ʿUmar al-Samarqandī - may God prolong his life and make his grandeur last - says: 'The death of Yahūd İkän Sübashı,
5 son of Sādīgh-kashī (?), son of Qut Qaymısh Sübashı al-Khirrīj, was reported to me//[in] the last third of Shaʿban which belongs to the months of the year 503,//after he had died in Sinīn (?) without executor or testament for anybody. He left behind as inheritance
6 what his equals leave behind to all people (?), that is houses, land, male and female slaves, beasts of saddle and burden, cattle and the like as kinds 
7 of property. He left behind children of male and female sex, all of them of age, namely, the so called Yūsuf Otaghbashı, then the so called Ḥaurāʿ, then
8 the so called Maryam, then the so called Niʿmatī, then the so called Muḥammad. Ḥaurāʿ died and left behind three children, namely, the so called Yū[suf,
9 ʿĀ’isha and Fāṭima, children of Ilyās, son of Muḥammad, son of Azīna. Then Niʿmatī died who had no children. Then Muḥammad died and left behind a daughter,
10 namely, the so called ʿĀ’isha, and a wife, namely, the so called 'Āshurā', daughter of Mūsā. The remaining heirs and the relatives of the deceased assembled
11 and requested from me the division of the inheritance of the deceased. Deeming proper this division, I assented to their (request) and divided the inheritance of the deceased among them
12 in compliance with the sacred Law according to the precepts of God - may he be praised and extolled - and the sunna of his envoy - may God bless him - after having ... his death and examined
13 his orders and after having excepted from his property the share for the army according to the order of the sultan - may God elevate him - //and after having ... all of the slaves and all of the beasts of saddle and burden and the cattle and the land//(according to the precept that 'a man's share equals that of two women', that is, for each son 
14 two shares and for each daughter one share. What falls to the share of the son, the so called Yūsuf Otaġbašı, of the inheritance of his father, the so called Yahūd
15 İ>kän Sübashı, (is) one half of the vineyard which was left behind by the deceased. It has four boundaries: the first of its boundaries is contiguous to the vineyard which was left behind by the deceased
16 and which was left for the use of the army; the second one is contiguous to the land of Maryam and Yūsuf and (also) contiguous to the land of Yūsuf and ʿĀ’isha and Fāṭima, the children
17 of Ilyās, son of Muḥammad, son of Azīna; the third one is contiguous to the land which was left for the use of the army according to the order of the sultan, and so is the fourth one. The value of this vineyard
18 thus delimited amounts to two thousand dirhams. The share of Yūsuf Otaghbashı in the value of the vineyard is one thousand and eight hundred dirhams. (Thus) his share
19 in the inheritance of his father is these one thousand and eight hundred dirhams while two hundred dirhams were left to the so called Maryam, daughter of Yahūd İkän Sübashı,
20 and to Yūsuf and ʿĀ’isha and Fāṭima, the children of Ilyās, in proportion to the calculation made for the share of their mother, the so called Ḥaurāʿ, The so called
21 Yūsuf Otaghbashı took possession of this vineyard thus delimited which the other heirs delivered over to him so that, to the disadvantage of the other heirs,
22 there remained no right for him to the inheritance of the deceased, no claim nor quarrel nor dispute, be it for little or much, concerning the inheritance of the deceased. When
23 the division had been accomplished before me in that way and established in my presence and (when) the price had been confirmed under my eyes, the so called Yūsuf Otaghbashı asked me to write
24 a document for him and to take the hands of the other heirs from this vineyard thus delimited. I assented to his request (kalima) and herewith write this document so that it might be a proof in his favour 
25 in case his concern should be infringed upon, and I (thus) took //the hands// of the other heirs from this vineyard. I called as witnesses to this document 
26 all those who wrote down their names at the end (of it), and this on this date mentioned at the beginning of the document, namely, the last third of Shaʿbān which belongs
27 to the months of the year 503.
28 ʿUmar, son of al-Ḥusayn, son of ʿAbd al-Wahhāb, says: 'The division mentioned (herein) was accomplished in my presence, the document
29 was written by my order, and the witnesses to this document testified to it by virtue of my summons. I placed
30 my signature at the beginning (of the document) and at its end (siyāq) I wrote these three lines as well as (maʿ) the signature which is
31 at the beginning (of the document) in my own handwriting.'
32 Bū Bakr, son of Muḥammad al-Faqqār, is witness. He has written in his own handwriting.
33 The shaykh and qāḍī has called me as witness to his judgement. Jamāl Muḥammad al-Mutafaqqih has written in his own handwriting. It is correct.
34 My father has called me as witness to his document: Nöker, son of ʿUmar son of al-Ḥusayn, the ḥākim; with his own hand.
35 The shaykh and qāḍī has called me as witness to his document and judgement ʿAlī, son of Tājir, the cutler, has written in his own handwriting.
36 The shaykh and qāḍī has called me as witness to his 'alāma and his judgement. Aḥmad, son of Ghāzī, has written (this).

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Arabic: Private Collection, Gronke II (Arabic No. 6): Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of Private Collection