New Persian: Afghanistan National Archives, Firuzkuh 41
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Firuzkuh 41
Silver (given following internal peer review)
New Persian (Arabic script)

Physical Description

7 fold lines, black ink; around the middle of line 4 is a short note written by Mirza Khwaja Muhammad in ballpoint pen.


An order sent from al-Dīwān al-Ikhtiyārī to the muʿtamid ʿAlī b. ʿAbd al-Rashīd on three different tasks: 1) to collect 450 mann belonging to the sons of a certain Abū Bakr from Khāy, which is currently held by the sons of Muḥammad b. Khiḍr from the village of Pūza-yi ʿUlyā (perhaps as a loan?); 2) to collect 100 mann from Ḥusayn b. Yaʿqūb, which the latter has borrowed from an unnamed individual; 3) to collect four sheep.


  • The Gregorian calendar: None


  • ʿAlī [b.] ʿAbd al-Rashīd
  • Abū Bakr b. Aḥmad b. Ḥaydar (Abū Bakr from Khāy)
  • Muḥammad b. Khiḍr
  • Ḥusayn [b.] Yaʿqūb
  • ʿAlī [b.] Ḥarīf


  • Khwaja Muhammad and Nabi Saqee, Barg-hāy az yak faṣl, yā asnād-i tārīkhī-yi Ghur (Kabul: Saʿīd 1388/2009) (Pages: 80-81)
    The IEDC transcription has been revised from this publication.

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Ofir Haim
Arezou Azad, Nabi Saqee
The transcription has been revised from a previous publication (see Publications), the translation is the original work of the IEDC Team (as yet unpublished in peer-review print)
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Images of this Text displayed on this web page are provided by Mirza Khwaja Muhammad.
© Mirza Khwaja Muhammad, All rights reserved.
If you wish to reproduce these images please contact Mirza Khwaja Muhammad.

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1. recto
... (؟)                          الدیوان الاختیاری 1
معتمد علی عبد الرشید باید کی 2
چهار صد پنجاه من غلۀ پسران ابو بکر از خای 3
و صد من غلۀ دیگر حسین یعقوب دارد 4
بوجه وام کی ازو برده است بستاند 5
این چهار صد پنجاه من غله بدستی 6
پسران محمد خضر است از پوزه علیا وهشت سر 7
گوسفند بدل کردند پسران علی حریف 8
نیمه غله دیه است و چهار وا بستاند 9
تقصیر نکند 10
[+ 1] 11
1 [Bismillāh ?]                                  al-Dīwān al-Ikhtiyārī
2 The muʿtamid ʿAlī [b.] ʿAbd al-Rashīd must collect
3 450 mann of grain of Abū Bakr’s sons from Khāy;
4 and an additional 100 mann of grain held by Ḥusayn [b.] Yaʿqūb, which
5 he has taken [these 100 mann] from him as a loan.
6 These 450 mann of grain are in the hands of
7 the sons of Muḥammad [b.] Khiḍr from Pūza-yi ʿUlyā. [As for] the eight
8 sheep, the sons of ʿAlī [b.] Ḥarīf have bartered [them].
9 Half [of the eight sheep] is [covered by] the grain [tax contribution] of the village and [the muʿtamid] should retrieve [the remaining] four [sheep].
10 He shall not delay.
11 [+ 1]

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