New Persian: National Library of Israel, Ms.Heb.8333.7v, 10r, 10v, 9r, 9v, 14r
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Ms.Heb.8333.7v, 10r, 10v, 9r, 9v, 14r
Silver (given following internal peer review)
New Persian (Arabic script)

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Panegyric poem addressed to Simon-tov b. Naṣr b. Dāniyāl. The poem is copied across multiple diffent sheets in the following order: Ms.Heb.8333.7, Ms.Heb.8333.10, Ms.Heb.8333.9, Ms.Heb.8333.14.
Ms.Heb.8333.7r and 14v were reused with Judeo-Persian notes and quatrains.


  • The Gregorian calendar: None


  • Simon-tov b. Abū Naṣr b. Dāniyāl (Simon-tov b. Abī Naṣr b. Dāniyāl)


  • Olga Yastrebova, “A Panegyric Poem dedicated to Abū al-Ḥasan Siman-Tov,” in Life in Medieval Khorasan: A Genizah from the National Library of Israel. Exhibition Catalogue (St Petersburg, 2019): 40-47, 132-5
    The IEDC transcription and translation have been revised from this publication.

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Arezou Azad
Nabi Saqee, Ofir Haim
The transcription and translation have been revised from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1. recto


یمدح الشیخ الفاضل 1
الظریف سیمنطو بن ابی‌نصر 2
بن دانیال 3
اطال الله فی عز بقاه وکب اعدَاه 4
کسی نبرسد کین عاشق از جه کریان شد/ که هر دو جشمم همْتای ابر نَیْسان شد 5
نه زاب دیده همی اتش دلم بمَرد/ نه زاتش دلم این اب دیده نقصان [شد] 6


  [در ا]ب (؟) غرقه و ... (؟) ... اتش ... (؟)/ [...] ٮریان [شد] 7
[...] بزردی نزار و زار و ضعیف/ جو جان بی تن یا جون تنی که بی جان شـ[ـد] 8
بسا کسا که مرا کفت که این جرا نمرد/ نمیرد انکس کز جشم مرک بنهان شد 9
مرا که نه تن و نه جان جکونه بیند مرک/ تنم جو عشر عشیر از ٮک سٮٮدان (ظ: یکی سپندان) شد 10


جه حیله سازم الا که بیش میره شوم/ که میره قبله‌ی [کذا] جای امیدوَاران شد 11
کریم و حر و نکوکار میره سیمیطوف/ که جای‌کَاه سخا و قرین احسان شد 12
[...] خلایق جون کشت‌زار نوروز است/ او کف میره بکردار ابر باران شد 13
[...] را امید او کف ٮو ٮست (= تو بست ؟)/ جنانک مصر امید کروه کنعان شد 14


نه زان قِبل را دِیر امدم حـ [...] / [نه ؟] من رهی را از خدمتت بشیمان شد 15
از انک طاقت این مَدْح او ندارم هیج/ بزور مُورچه (؟) بحرب شیر نتوان شد 16
کسی که شعر برد [...] / کِه دَار خرما زیذر بسوی کرمان شد 17
کذام شکَّر از اینجا ٮٮاز (/ نیاز ؟) عسکر شد/ کذ[ام ؟ فانیذ] کزْ بلخ باز مکران شد 18

Ms.Heb.8333. 9v

وَلیک قطره‌ی باران بروی دریا بر/ اکر فزونی ناید کِه کفت نقصان شد 19
امیذِ مَن ٮکفِ (؟) جود میره امروز[ست ؟]/ کِه میزبانم و خلقی بخانه مهمان شد 20
نبید باید بسیار سیم و مٮوه (؟) ... (؟)/ اکرجه وعده کذشتست کار خلقان شد 21
مرَا فریضه (؟) کنونست و ٮو[...]/ که ٮوٮیست (؟ بودنیست ؟) که مرذم [کذا[1]] بدو کروکان شد 22


ز فضل وز کرم و دولت تو نیست عجب/ اگر ز فر تو این کار من بسامان شد 23
بقای عمر تو بادا بشادکامی و عز/ ولی بشادی اعدا خزِی و خذلان شد 24
کسی نپرسد کین سٮو (/ سٮر ؟) از جه کریان شد 25
که هر دو جشمم همتای ابر نیسان شد 26
لا... (؟) 27


1 Praised is the shaykh, the learned
2 the eloquent, Simon-Tov b. Abī Naṣr
3 b. Dāniyāl,
4 may God prolong his life and vanquish his enemies.
5 No one asks why this lover is crying/ for my two eyes are [full of tears] like April’s clouds.
6 Neither do the tears extinguish the fire in my heart/ nor does the fire in my heart dampen these tears.


7   ...drowned in tears, … is roasted.
8 … is yellow, thin, feeble and weak/ like a soul without body or a body that has lost its soul.
9 Many people have asked me, ‘why are you not dying?’/ but the one who is hidden from the eye of death shall not perish.
10 How can death see me, when I have no soul or body? / my body is the size of one-tenth of one [seed of] wild rue.


11 What can I do but to approach the mira / for the mira is the one to whom the hopeful turn.
12 The generous, noble and benevolent mira Sīmī-Tov / who has become the seat of mercy and the companion of beneficence.
13 [The heart?] of the people is like a sown field at new year / and the mira’s open hand is like a rain-filled cloud.
14 [Suffering?] has ceased [?] with the hope that your open hand brings / just like Egypt became the hope of the Canaanites.


15 I didn’t come earlier, not because … / [and] it isn’t that I, who am your slave, regretted paying my respects [previously],
16 [rather] because I’m not at all equipped to praise you / when one’s strength is that of an ant, battling a lion is useless.
17 Offering a poem [to you] is like / [bringing] the date palm from here to Kirmān.
18  What need would ʿAskar have for the sugar from here? / Which sugar cane [?] would be taken from Balkh to Makrān?

Heb.8333. 9v

19 But, when a raindrop falls in the sea / who’s to say it shrinks, when in fact it increases?
20 I hope for the mira’s open hand today / as I am hosting many people at my place.
21 I need copious amounts of wine, silver [coins], fruit [and ...] / although the momentum has passed, and the gathering is [almost] over.
22 The urgency is now [...3+] / because it needs to be done and people have been guaranteed [funds for the gathering].


23 It would not be a surprise if with your grace, generosity, bounty / and glory, my issue would be resolved.
24 May you live in perpetuity with joy and glory / [and] may your enemies’ happiness turn into meanness and disappointment.
25 No one asks why this [name of poet?] is crying/
26 for my two eyes are [full of tears] like April’s clouds.
27 [.... ?]
New Persian: National Library of Israel, Ms.Heb.8333.7v, 10r, 10v, 9r, 9v, 14r: Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of National Library of Israel