New Persian: Afghanistan National Archives, Firuzkuh 10
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Firuzkuh 10
Silver (given following internal peer review)
New Persian (Arabic script)
Legal: Divorce (ṭalāq)

Physical Description

5+6 fold lines, complete, black ink; cut into two fragments by Mirza Khwaja Muhammad.
5+6 fold lines


The parties to this iqrār document are a husband and wife who are both of very high social standing. The husband is a senior military official. His wife seems to have brought a grievance that her husband has been neglecting her. She has managed to get her husband to agree to either drop the neglect or give her a divorce. She even managed to receive the delegated authority to request a divorce, which is usually only in the husband’s purview.


  • The Gregorian calendar: May-June 1195 (Estimated date range: 1195-05-20-1195-06-17)
  • The Hijri calendar: Jumādā II 591 (0591-06)


  • Māh Sittī bt. Maḥmūd Ghaznawī
  • Shams al-Dīn ʿAlī b. Ḥusām al-Dīn Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan (Shams al-Dīn amīr ʿAlī b. sifahsālār Ḥusām al-Dīn Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan)
  • ʿAlī b. Muḥammad
  • Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. Ḥasan
  • Dawlat Shāh b. Abū Bakr Shāh
  • ʿAbd Allāh b. Muḥammad
  • ʿAlī [b.] Muḥammad [b.] ʿUthmān
  • ʿAlī b. Muḥammad Maymangī
  • ʿUmar [b.] Abū Bakr [b.] ʿAbbās


  • Khwaja Muhammad and Nabi Saqee, Barg-hāy az yak faṣl, yā asnād-i tārīkhī-yi Ghur (Kabul: Saʿīd 1388/2009) (Pages: 36-37)
    The IEDC transcription has been revised from this publication.

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Ofir Haim
Arezou Azad, Majid Montazermahdi, Nabi Saqee
The transcription has been revised from a previous publication (see Publications), the translation is the original work of the IEDC Team (as yet unpublished in peer-review print)
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Images of this Text displayed on this web page are provided by Mirza Khwaja Muhammad.
© Mirza Khwaja Muhammad, All rights reserved.
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1. recto
الله خیر معین 1
اقرار کرد سفهسالار شمس‌ الدین 2
امیر علی بن سفهسالار حسام‌ الدین 3
محمد بن الحسن در صحت و کمال عقل بران جمله 4
کی اگر از پیش زوجۀ خود المسماة ماه ستی 5
بنت محمود غزنوی غایب گردد غیبه منقطع و از 6
غیبت این شمس‌ الدین امیر علی چهار ماه 7
پیوسته بگذرد کی تن این امیر علی یا نفقه 8
این امیر علی چنانک ازین دو یکی بدین 9
ماه ستی بنت محمود نرسد امر طلاق 10
ماه ستی بدست ماه ستی کرد تا بعد از 11
وجود این شرطها پای خود را از عقد 12
و نکاح امیر علی بیک طلاق باین کشاده 13
کند در هر مکانی کی باشد و هر وقت 14
کی خواهد و کابین و نفقه در گردن 15
امیر علی باشد و این خط تاکید راست 16
و ذلک بتاریخ جمادی الاخر سنۀ احدی و تسعین خمسمایه 17
این خط اقرار منست اقر و امر هذا الخط الامیر 18
19 کتبه علی محمد بن محمد بیده کتبه احمد بن محمد بن الحسن بخطه
20 اقر عندی بما فیه عبد الله بن محمد خطه شهد بذلک دولتشاه بن ابو بکر شاه
21 شهد بذلک علی محمد عثمان بامره علی محمد میمنگی بامره
22   عمر ابو بکر عباس بامره
1 God is the best helper. 
2 Sifahsālār Shams al-Dīn
3 amīr ʿAlī b. sifahsālār Ḥusām al-Dīn
4 Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan, has acknowledged, in a state of health and sound mind, the following:
5 If he remains absent from his wife named Māh Sittī 
6 bt. Maḥmūd Ghaznawī without providing any information about his whereabouts, and
7 [if] the absence of Shams al-Dīn amīr ʿAlī exceeds four successive months,
8-10 meaning that either Māh Sittī bt. Maḥmūd has been deprived of amīr ʿAlī’s physical presence or amīr ʿAlī’s maintenance, in either case, the authority to divorce 
11 is delegated to Māh Sittī [herself]. In the case that
12-13 [either of] these conditions applies, she is able to free herself from the marriage contract through an irrevocable divorce,
14 wherever she may be, and whenever
15 she wants. Amīr ʿAlī will be liable to pay maintenance and her dower.
16 This document is to confirm [it].
17 It is dated Jumādā II 591. 
18 This document is my acknowledgment. The amīr has acknowledged and ordered this document [to be written].
19 ʿAlī b. Muḥammad wrote it in his hand. Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. Ḥasan wrote it in his hand.
20 All of it has been acknowledged in my presence; ʿAbd Allāh b. Muḥammad [wrote it in] his hand. Dawlat Shāh b. Abū Bakr Shāh witnessed to that. [It was written] by his order.
21 ʿAlī [b.] Muḥammad [b.] ʿUthmān was a witness to that. [It was written] by his order. ʿAlī b. Muḥammad Maymangī [was a witness]. [It was written] at his order.
22   ʿUmar [b.] Abū Bakr [b.] ʿAbbās [was a witness]. [It was written] at his order.

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