Bactrian: Khalili Collection, DOC 113
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DOC 113
Khalili Collection
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)

Physical Description

Written on leather, the writing surface shows fold lines and tears. Large fragment of a document, of which only a few lines are complete. The end of the text is particularly badly preserved, but no whole line seems to be missing.


Yaskul and Yazdgird, sons of Kaw, sold a boy named Khalas to Fanz, Wind-marg, and Pusk, sons of Bagmareg.


  • The Gregorian calendar: 4 January 669
  • The calendar of the Bactrian era: 2 Ab 446 (0446-08-02)


  • Yaskul son of Kaw
  • Yazdgird son of Kaw
  • Fanz son of Bag-mareg
  • Wind-marg son of Bag-mareg
  • Pusk son of Bag-mareg
  • Khalas


  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas (ed.). 2000. Bactrian documents from Northern Afghanistan. I: Legal and economic documents (Studies in the Khalili Collection 3). Vol. VI. London: The Nour Foundation. (Pages: 82-87)
    Catalogue Number: P
  • Sims-Williams, Nicholas (ed.). 2012. Bactrian documents from Northern Afghanistan. I: Legal and economic documents (Studies in the Khalili Collection 3). Revised edition. Vol. VI. London: The Nour Foundation. (Pages: 84-87)
    Catalogue Number: P
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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Nicholas Sims-Williams
Zhen Zheng
The transcription and translation have been taken from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1. closed, recto
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3. verso
1 αχϸονο υʹ μʹ ϛʹ μαυο αββο ρωσο οαυ[μανο … μαχιρσο-]
2 βωστιγο μαλαβο σαμιγγανο ωδαγο αβο μαρωγα̣[νο … εζδ-]
3 δηβιδο βαγο ραμοσητο εζ<δδ̣>ηβιδο ζονολαδο ρωβ[οχαρο …δδ-]
4 ηβοραζο μισιδο ωσο παραλαδο μανο ιασκολο οδο μανο ιει[ζδογιρδο …]
5 φαραφ(α)γο φανζο φαρφαγο οινδμ̣αργο φαρφαγ̣[ο …ακιδδ-]
6 ηνο χανο γαβαλιιανο γιρλινδο βαλακο αʹ χοβο βραδ̣[διγο …]
7 δδραχμο γʹ ταδο ωσο παδοαχϸανηδο ασιδδηνο •[… δδ-]
8 ριγδο παραλαδο ναβαγ̣ο ωσταδο λαϸνο αμβαγδο πιδ̣[ο … ]
9 υιρτο καλδο κισο πιδο χαλα̣σ̣ο αβαφαγο φανζο αχασ[αδο … ιασκο-]
10 λο οδ̣αζο ιαζδογιρδο χοηδαγο αβημινδο κιραμο κα̣[λδο …]
1 αχϸονο υʹ μʹ ϛʹ μαυο αββο ρωσο οαυμανο̣[ καλδο ναβιχτο μολραγο μαχιρσοβωστι-]
2 γο μαλαβο σαμιγγανο ωδαγο αβο μαρωγανο αβο ρω̣[βοχαραγγο οασαρο εζδδηβιδο βα-]
3 γο ραμοσητο λαδοιανο λαδοαγαλγο οαρσοχο̣ανδο ακιδ̣[δηιο σπασο μαλαβο μαρω]-
4 γανο αβο̣ οασαρινδο εζδδηβιδο ζονολαδο ϸαβορανο ι̣α̣[β]ζο̣δοφ̣α̣[ραυο χαγανο ταπαγλι-]
5 υο υιλιτοβηρο ρωβοχαρο οδο πισο χοσαροο ταρχανο οδο π̣ισο δδ̣[ηβοραζο . . . ρωβο-]
6 χ̅α̅ρ̅α̅γγο οασαροβιδο χαιιαχο οδο πισο μανδαρουανισο αζαδοκαρο ακιδ̣ο ο[αλο πιδο μιλα-]
7 γγο αρμαστινδο οτασο εμο σαχοανο ζανινδο μισιδο ωσο παραλαδο μανο ι̣[ασκολο . . .]
8 μανο ιειζδογιρδο καοο πορανο χοα̣στα̣οιγο ακιδο ωσο μαλαβο σ̣α[μιγγανο ωδα-]
9 γο αρμαυαμο οδο ιαμαχαγγο βραδο πορο φαρφαγο φ̣ανζο οδο φαρ[φαγο οινδ-]
10 μαργο οδο φαρφαγο ποσκο βαγομαρηγο πορανο ακιδδηνο χανο γαβα[λ]ι[ιανο]
11 γιρλινδο οδο φαρο ταμαχαγγο βραδο πορο φορζανδανο βαλακο αʹ χ[οβο-]
12 μηνο βραδδιγο ειο βαλακο ασιδο χαλασο ναμδο ταδδηιο αβο σοδο οιγνο δδριγδο
13 ναμοa ϸιιαδο αβο δδραχμο παρσαγγο γʹ ταδο ωσο αβο μασκο ναβιχτιγο βαλακο ταο-
14 ο φανζο ο̣δο ταοο οινδμαργο χοβο χοζο βοιηιο αλο βραδο πορο οδαλο φορζανδ̣-
15 ανο σαοοαλο ασωσ̣αβο ιαοιηδανο ζοριγο οτο μισο παδοαχϸανηδ̣ο ασιδδηιο
16 υαρσο κιρδο αριμαδο χοαδο δδριγδο παραλαδο ναβαγο ωσταδο λαϸνο αμβαγδο̣
17 αχρινο οιχρινο κιρδο πιδο γαοοανο πιδοκιϸ̣το πιδο σπασο αζαδο υιρτο ταδδ̣-
18 ηιο πιδο̣ οισπο ζαγγο παδοαχϸανηιο κιρδο ασιδαβο δδραχμο χιρσιγο̣ οδαβο
19 χοβο νιζαδαγ̣ο μαρηγο αβδδινινδ̣ο οτο καλδο ωσο̣ ασταδο ασο μανδο̣ρονιγο ρ̣ω̣[σο]
20 οδασο μαβαρο ζαμανο κισο υαρσο ακιδο πιδο χα̣λασο αβαφαγο φανζο̣[ οδαβο]
21 [τ]αμαχαγγο καδαγιγα̣νο κισο αχασαδο πιδο γαλιγο πιδο βαλινζακο αγισινδ̣[δηιο . . .α-]
22 [ζο] ιασκολο οδαζο ιειζδογιρδο οδο ιαμαχαγγο καδα̣γιγανο χοηδαγο[ α]β̣[ημινδο κιρα-]
23 [μο οτα]κ̣αλδο χοηδαγο αβημ̣ινδ̣ο κιρ̣δο ναϸ̣ιιαμο οτασιδο̣ υαρσο κι[ρδο …]
24 [… ]φ̣αρφαγο φανζ̣ο ο̣[δο ]φ̣[α]ρ̣ο ταμαχαγγο̣ κα̣[δαγιγανο . . .
25 [… μαχιρσο]βωστιγο ο̣[. . .]αρδδινδο̣[ . . .
1 [… κ]ι̣ρδδο ταδο αʹ βʹ τωζαμο
2 [δδηβ]ορα̣ζο [χοσα]ρ̣ο̣ο τα̣ρ̣χαν̣ο ρωβ̣ο̣χαρ̣ο̣ βαγο ρα̣μο̣σητ̣ο̣ ια̣[σ]κ̣ο̣λ̣ο
1 (It was) the year 446, the month Ab, the day Wahman, [when this sealed document, this purchase]
2 contract, [was written] here in the district of Samingan, at Marogan, [the market of the khars of Rob,]
3 with the cognizance of the god Ram-set, with the cognizance of Zhun-lad, [khar] of Rob, [and in the presence of Khusaru the tarkhan, and in the presence of]
4 Deb-raz. Now: there has now been sold by me, Yaskul, and by me, Ye[zd-gird, the sons of Kaw,]
5 to you, Fanz, (and) to you, Wind-marg, (and) to you, [Pusk, the sons of Bagmareg,] you [whose]
6 house they call Gabaliyan, a certain boy belonging to (us) as brothers [. . . for]
7 three dirhams. So now, you (pl.) have the right (to do) whatever [it may suit] you (pl.) [to do,]
8 to keep (him) [yourselves], to sell (him), to pawn (him), to give (him as) a gift, [to detain him] for [a misdeed, or]
9 to let (him) [free in return for service]. If anyone [should] dispute concerning Khalas with you, Fanz, [then I, Yaskul,]
10 and I, Yazd-gird, shall cause (him to be) released (and) detached (from the claimant); if
1 (It was) the year 446, the month Ab, the day Wahman, [when this sealed document, this purchase contract, was written]
2 here in the district of Samingan, at Marogan, [the market of the khars of Rob, with the cognizance of the god]
3 Ram-set, the granter of favours (and) granter of wishes, the wonderful, whose [worship] is [here at Maro]gan, at the market,
4 with the cognizance of Zhun-lad Shaburan, the [tapaghlïgh] iltäbir of the [qaghan] prosperous [in glory],
5 khar of Rob, and in the presence of Khusaru the tarkhan, and in the presence of D[eb-raz . . .,]
6 senior overseer of the market of the khars [of Rob], and also in the presence of the other freemen who
7 were present [there amongst them] and (who) bear witness concerning this matter. Now: there has now been sold by me, Y[askul, and]
8 by me, Yezd-gird, the sons of Kaw, inhabitants of Khwastu, who are now present here in [the district of Samingan,]
9 and our brothers (and) sons, to you, Fanz, and to [you, Wind]-marg,
10 and to you, Pusk, the sons of Bag-mareg, you whose house they call Gaba[liyan],
11 and to your brothers, sons (and) descendants a certain boy [belonging]
12-13 to us as brothers, this (same) boy who is called Khalas—(since) we have not been able to keep him in plenty (and) famine—for three Persian dirhams. So now, may the boy described herein
14 belong properly and well to you, Fanz, and to you, Wind-marg, with (your) brothers, sons and descendants
15 thereafter, from now to eternity. And also you (pl.) have the right (to do) whatever
16 it may suit you (sg.!) to do, to keep (him) yourself, to sell (him), to pawn (him), to give (him as) a gift,
17 to put (him for) purchase (or for) hire, to detain (him) for a misdeed, (or) to let (him) free (in return) for service. Then
18 you (sg.) have the right to do to him in every way what it is the custom (to do) to (slaves) purchased for money and to
19 slaves born (in) one’s own (possession). And now, if there should be anyone, from tomorrow
20 or at (any) future time, who might dispute concerning Khalas with you, Fanz, [or with]
21 any of the members of your (pl.) household, (or if) they [might] get hold of (him) by theft (or) by force(?), [then I,]
22 Yaskul, and I, Yezd-gird, and the members of our household [shall cause him to be] released [and detached from the claimant; and then],
23 if we are not able to cause (him to be) released (and) detached and [we are not able to] do whatever [we agreed to do,
24-25 then we shall pay] to you, Fanz, [and] to the [members of] your (pl.) [household … this purchase] contract . . .
1 he should [not] be caused [to be released and detached by us], then we shall pay (at the rate of) two (to)
2 [Deb]-raz [Khusa]ru the tarkhan The khar of Rob The god Ram-set Yaskul

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Seal 1
Photograph of this seal
Seal 2
Photograph of this seal
Seal 3
Photograph of this seal
Seal 4
Photograph of this seal
Bactrian: Khalili Collection, DOC 113: Folio (closed, recto)
Bactrian: Khalili Collection, DOC 113: Folio (open, recto)
Bactrian: Khalili Collection, DOC 113: Folio (verso)
Images courtesy of Khalili Collection