New Persian: Afghanistan National Archives, Firuzkuh 5
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Firuzkuh 5
Silver (given following internal peer review)
New Persian (Arabic script)

Physical Description

8+8 fold lines, complete, black ink; cut into two fragments by Mirza Khwaja Muhammad, in the bottom right corner of the second fragment are notes written by Mirza Khwaja Muhammad in ballpoint pen dated 1412 Hijrī Qamarī (=1991/2).
8 horizontal fold lines in each fragment


A legal deed of acknowledgement by a brother and sister who have emancipated their Indian female slave. There are four witnesses to this document.


  • The Gregorian calendar: 5 February 1202 (1202-02-05)
  • The Hijri calendar: 4 Jumādā I 598 (0598-05-04)


  • Zulaykha bt. Fakhr al-Dīn Abū Bakr [b.] Ḥamza
  • Muḥammad b. Abū Bakr [b.] Ḥamza
  • Shīrīn
  • Muḥammad b. al-Ḥusayn [b.] Muḥammad [b.] ʿAlī Muʿizzī
  • Ḥusayn [b.] Khālid (Faqīh Ḥusayn [b.] Khālid)
  • ʿUthmān [the son of] the naqīb known as Lāsh
  • Al-Ḥasan b. al-Ḥusayn


  • Khwaja Muhammad and Nabi Saqee, Barg-hāy az yak faṣl, yā asnād-i tārīkhī-yi Ghur (Kabul: Saʿīd 1388/2009) (Pages: 26-27)
    The IEDC transcription has been revised from this publication.

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Ofir Haim
Arezou Azad, Majid Montazermahdi, Nabi Saqee
The transcription has been revised from a previous publication (see Publications), the translation is the original work of the IEDC Team (as yet unpublished in peer-review print)
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Images of this Text displayed on this web page are provided by Mirza Khwaja Muhammad.
© Mirza Khwaja Muhammad, All rights reserved.
If you wish to reproduce these images please contact Mirza Khwaja Muhammad.

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1. recto
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم 1
این ذکریست کی نبشته آمد از اقرار خواجه 2
رییس اجل محترم شرف ‌الرجال محمد بن الشیخ الجلیل 3
سعید شهید ابو بکر حمزه و مستوره عفیفه زاهده 4
ساجده فخر الحرائر شرف النسا زلیخا بنت فخر 5
الدین ابو بکر حمزه هر یک در حال صحت و کمال 6
عقل و نفاذ تصرفات طایعان راغبان غیر 7
مکرهین ولا مجبرین علیهما بران جمله که یک سر 8
کنیزک هندی میانه بالا کشاده ابرو پارسی 9
گوا از مال خود از برای رضای خدای را عز و جل 10
و از برای یافت ثواب آخرت را آزاد کردند 11
عتق صحیح نافذ شرعی خالیا عن شروط 12
المفسده و المعانی المبطله و عتقا 13
لاجل نیل الثواب وابتغا مرضاه الله و نما 14
ند این دو مقر مذکور را درین کنیزک هندی 15
بنام شیرین هیچ ملکی و این شیرین آزاد است 16
هم‌ چون دیگر آزادان  نه مکاتبه است و نه 17
مدبره بلک معتقه صحیحه است نه ایشان را و نه 18
هیچ کس را غیر آزاد کندان درین معتقه حق 19
ملک نیست و اگر کسی دعوی بندگی کند باطل 20
باشد و این دو مقر مذکورا جز حق ولا 21
هیچ حقی دیگر نیست و این حجت از اقرار 22
صحیح هر دوا نبشته آمد تا وقت حاجت 23
حجت باشد فی الرابع من جمیدی الاولی سنه ثمان و تسعین و خمسمایه 24
25   شاهد علی ذلک محمد بن الحسین محمد علی مقری
26 این اقرار بحضور من بود و کتبه الحسن بن الحسین بخطه شاهد علی ذلک عثمان نقیب معروف لاش
27 شاهد علی ذلک فقیه حسین خالد  
1 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
2 This is a document that has been written following the acknowledgement by the illustrious and esteemed khwāja
3 [and] raʾīs, the noblest amongst men, Muḥammad, the son of the great,
4 blessed martyr Abū Bakr [b.] Ḥamza; and by the veiled, chaste, pious,
5 prostrating, the pride of free women, the noblest amongst women, Zulaykha bt. Fakhr
6 al-Dīn Abū Bakr [b.] Ḥamza, both in a state of health and of sound
7 mind, and [with the authority] to effect legal actions, voluntarily and wilfully,
8 and without coercion or force, as follows: “They have freed one head of
9 an Indian female slave, of medium height, with separated eyebrows, Persian-
10 speaking, who was their property. They [have done so] for the satisfaction of God Almighty, and
11 to gain a reward in the hereafter.
12 [This is] a valid ʿitq, with legal effect, according to the sharīʿa, devoid of clauses
13 that would revoke it or content that would invalidate it. And it is an ʿitq
14 with the purpose of gaining a reward [in the hereafter] and satisfying God.
15 No ownership of this Indian female slave 
16 called Shīrīn remains [in the hands of] these two mentioned acknowledging parties. This Shīrīn is as free
17 as other free people; and she is neither a slave who is enfranchised by payment (mukātaba), nor one
18 enfranchised by master’s death (mudabbara). Rather, she has been emancipated in a valid manner. Neither they nor
19 anyone other than the emancipators have property rights
20 over her. If anyone claims that she is their slave, [such a claim] is
21 invalid. These two mentioned acknowledging parties have no rights other than the right of walāʾ.
22 This document has been written following the valid acknowledgement
23 of both, so that when needed,
24 it may serve as proof. [Dated] the fourth of Jumādā I in the year 598.
25   Muḥammad b. al-Ḥusayn [b.] Muḥammad [b.] ʿAlī Muʿizzī was a witness to this.
26 This acknowledgment was [made] in my presence. Al-Ḥasan b. al-Ḥusayn wrote it in his hand. ʿUthmān [the son of] the naqīb known as Lāsh.
27 The faqīh Ḥusayn [b.] Khālid was a witness to this.  

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