New Persian: National Library of Israel, Ms.Heb.8333.18
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Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
New Persian (Arabic script)

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fold lines
8 fold lines.
8 fold lines.


A letter of complaint by the peasants from the villages of Khustgān and Angār about irregularities in the division of the yield of grapes and pomegranates by the landowner’s representative. The senders of the letter protest against the misconduct and unprofessional behaviour of the landowner’s representative, who was sent by a certain ʿAlī, possibly an employee of the landowner.


  • The Gregorian calendar: None


  • N.sā
  • ʿAlī


  • Haim, Ofir. "Jews, Landlords and Peasants in the Ghaznavid Bamiyan Hinterland: A Private Archive from the Eleventh Century (Bamiyan Papers/Afghan Genizah)." ‘Atiqot, 2023. (Pages: 218-220)
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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Ofir Haim
The transcription and translation have been taken from a previous publication (see Publications)
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1. recto
                        جماعت اهل خستگان وانگار 1
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم 2
زندگانی خواجه ما اندر سلامت و درستی و خجستگی روزگار 3
رقعه نبشتيم از حال سلامت و الحمد لله وحده و الصلوه علی رسوله 4
اما اندر وعد که علی بیامذ وپیاده فر ما موکل کرذ که انگور 5
بیرون کنیذ و محضر نبیسیذ که ما نسا را ایده الله نخواهیم 6
و خواجه مرا زر دادست از سبب کری اشتر را تا پیش از همه 7
ناحیت انگورها خویش بیرون کردیم تا بر ما همه ناچیز گشت 8
و بزمین فرو شذ ومقدار دو ماه برهایی بماند وآن چند 9
بستان صد نار شیرین بسه درم فروختست و برها بخش اوی 10
کردست و ما حاضر نبودیم خواستیم تا بداند و اگر 11
دیگر فرین گونه بود و بدین مثال ما جایها خواجه نتوانیم 12
آنجا خواجه را چاکر بسيارست هرک آنجا آید گوید همه سیم 13
و غول سختیم چهار و نیم من آمد تا دانسته آید 14
                                                            و الحمد لله وحده 15
1             The community of the people of Khustgān and Angār
2 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
3 (May) the life of our master (be long) in peace, good health and good fortune.
4 We wrote the letter in a state of peace, praise be to God alone, and His blessing upon His messenger.
5 As to the set time when ʿAlī came and appointed over us a peon (who told us to):
6 “Send out the grapes and write a report (saying): ‘We do not want N.sā, may God support him.’
7 The master has given me gold for hiring camels.”
8 We sent out our grapes first in the region. But all our fruit was ruined and
9 dumped to the ground; a total of two months of fruit was left (behind). And as for (the yield from) those few
10 gardens, he has sold one hundred sweet pomegranates for three dirhams, and has taken his cut from the (sale of the) fruit
11 in our absence (lit., ‘and we were not present’). We wanted to inform him (about this matter). If
12 this happens again and in the same manner, we will not be able (to cultivate) the master’s lands (lit., ‘places’).
13 The master has many servants there; whomever he sends there, he should tell (him that).
14 We weighed all the produce(?), (it) amounted to four and a half mann. He should take notice of this.
15                                                             Praise be to God alone.

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New Persian: National Library of Israel, Ms.Heb.8333.18: Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of National Library of Israel