Arabic: Private Collection, Gronke I (Arabic No. 2)
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Gronke I (Arabic No. 2)
Private Collection
Gold (given following external peer review through journal/book publication)
Arabic (Arabic script)
Legal: Amicable Settlement

Physical Description

A well-preserved document with only a few small holes. Traces of horizontal folding are clearly visible.
Traces of ten horizontal folds are clearly visible.


An order concerning a land ownership dispute. 26 lines of text in cursive script with very scarce diacritical dots. Above the text, 'alāma of the judge; below, further line of text also written by the judge.


  • The Gregorian calendar: 8 May 1082 (1082-05-08)
  • The Hijri calendar: 01 Dhū al-Ḥijja 494 (0494-12-01)
  • The Hijri calendar: 1 Dhū al-Ḥijja 474 (0474-12-01)


  • Abū Bakr Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Ṣamad (Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Ṣamad)
  • Ḥājjī Ināl b. Pūlād Sübashı b. Qarā-band Ināl
  • Hārūn b. Taghchakh
  • Yūsuf Inal
  • Isḥaq al-Jallāb
  • Sökmän Bäk
  • ʿAbd al-Jalīl Chaghrı Sübashı b. Mūsā b. Amlūk
  • Jibrīl Wiṭāqbashı b. Mūsā b. Baqchār
  • Abū Bakr al-Silāḥī b. Burāq b. Yarbā
  • Jūbarz Ināl


  • Gronke, Monika. "The Arabic Yārkand Documents." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 49/3, 1986. pp. 454-507 (Pages: 479-487)
    The IEDC translation and transcription have been taken from this publication

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1. recto
احمد الله وحده 1
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم 2
هذا کتاب اشهد علیه الشیخ القاضی الامام ابو بکر محمد بن عبد الصمد بن اسمیل البخاری سلمه الله و ابقاه فی مجلس حکمه و قضایه بکورة 3
یارکنده وهو یومیذ قاضیها و حاکم اهلها و نواحیها من قبل الخاقان الاجل السید الملك الموید المظفر المنصور و عز الدین مشید 4
الدولة القاهرة و برهان الملة اباهرة و کهف الامة الطاهرة غیاث المسلمین ملك المشرق و الصین طفغاچ بغرا قراخاقان 5
ابی علی الحسن بن سلیمن ارسلان قراخاقان مجتبی خلیفة الله ولی امیر الموطنین و من قبل التگین الاجل السید عماد الدولة 6
و سداد الملة چغری تگین ابی موسی هرون بن ملك المشرق طفغاچ بغرا قراخاقان مولی امیر المومنین اطال الله بقاهما و اعز نصرهما 7
انه حضر مجلس الحکم قبله بها فی غرة ذی الحجة سنة اربع و [تسـ]ـعین و اربعمایة المسمی بحاجی انال بن پولاد سوباشی بن قرابند انال 8
وهو امرد قد طر شاربه شعرانی سبط الشعر تام القامة اثغم اللون ضخم اشهل ابلج واحضر بحضوره امسمی هارون بن 9
تغچخ وقد عرفهما معرفة صحیحة بالوجه والاسم و النسب فادعی الذی حضر اولا علی الذی احضره معه قطعة ارض فی یده 10
موضعها برستاق یدعی بربل وهی من رساتیق کورة یارکنده بحضرة مسجد الی اسحق الجلاب وهی مبذرة ثلثین 11
وقر حنطة بعضها موات صالحة للزرا[عة بحد] و[د]ه الاربعة فالحد الاول لزیق ارض یوسف انال و الثانی لزیق 12
ساقیة تنسب الی سوکمان بك و الثالث لزیق ارض یوسف انال و الرابع لزیق طریق العامة و لزیق ارض جوبرز 13
انال و لزیق نهریدعی ازاك و ذکر فی لفظ دعواه ان جمیع هذه الارض الحدودة فیه کانت ملکا لابیه المسمی فیه 14
مات و ترکها میراثا له و لغیره من زثته و الان ملکهم و حقهم و ان هذا استولی علیها ظلما و جورا واجب علیه رفع 15
یده عنها و تسلیمها الیهم وهو یمتنع عن ذلك و سأل فسئل فانکر دعواه اصلا و جحد راسا و زعم 16
انها ملکه وحقه اشتراها من الغیر بثمن معلوم و نقده الثمن فامر المدعی باقامة البینة علی صحة ما ادعاه و بتحقیق  17
ما حکاه ان کانت له ذلک فاورد ثلثة نفر ذکر انهم شهرده فشهدوا له علی صحة ما یدعیه و ساله الاستماع الی شهادتهم  18
والاصغا الی کلامهم و هم عبد الجلیل چغری سوباشی بن موسی بن املوک و ابو بکر السّلاحی بن براق بن یربا  19
وجبریل وثاق باشی بن موسی بن بقچار فاستشهدهم عقیب اعادة الدعوی و الانکار فشهد کل واحد منهم علی  20
التعاقب علی موافقة الدعوی بحضرة المتنا<ز>عین [شـ]ـهادة صحیحة مستقیمة متفقة اللفظ و المعنی لم یختلفوا فی  21
شی من ذلک فتفحص عن حالهم فعدلوا فزکوا و ظهرت عدالتهم و توجه الحکم علی المشهود علیه فاعلمه به و امره  22
بابراز دفع اوجرح ان کان له ذلک فعجز عنه عجزا ظاهرا بعدما مکنه مدة مثله فعند ذلک التمس منه المدعی ان یحکم له  23
بما ادعی فاستجار الله تعـ[ـا]لی و ساله المصمة عن الزیغ و الزلل و حکم بکون الارض الحدودة فیه ملکا المشهود له  24
و لغیره من رثة ابیه و امر الحکوم علیه بقصر یده عنها و تسلیمها الی الحکوم له و اطلق له الرجوع علی بایعه بالثمن  25
الذی نقده ثم ان الحکوم له التمس منه اثبات ما صح عنده و ثبت لدیه فاجابه الی ملتمسه و امر بکتبة  26
هذا الذکر لیکون حجة له عند مساس الحاجة و ذلک بتاریخ المورخ فیه صدرا  27
یقول محمد بن عبد الصمد بن اسمیل الحکم المذکور فیه صدرا عنی و السجل کتب بایدی و السطرمع التوقیع خطی  28
1 I praise God alone.
2 In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
3 This is a document to which the shaikh, the qāḍī and imām Abū Bakr Muḥammad, son of 'Abd al-Ṣamad, son of Isma'īl al-Bukhārī - may God keep him alive and spare him - has called witnesses in his court of law and justice in the province
4 of Yārkanda of which he was then the qāḍī and ḥakīm of its inhabitants and of its districts, (appointed) by the most sublime khāqān, the chief, the king aided (by God), victorious and triumphant, the glory of the faith, the fortifier
5 of the powerful dynasty, the proof of the resplendant congregation, the asylum of refuge of the pure community, the help of the Muslims, the king of the East and China, Tafghāch Bughrā Qārā Khāqān
6 Abū 'Alī al-Ḥasan, son of Sulaymān Arslān Qarā Khāqān, the favourite of the representative of God, the friend of the commander of the faithful, and (appointed) by the most sublime prince, the chief, the pillar of the dynasty,
7 the rightrous way of the congregation, Chaghrı Tägin Abū Mūsā Hārūn, the son of the king of the East Tafghāch Bughrā Qārā Khāqān, client of the commander of the faithful - may God give them both a long life and honour them with his help -
8 (to testify) that on the first of Ḏu'l-Ḥijja of the year 474 (or 494) the so called Ḥajjī Inal of Pūlād Sübashı, son of Qarā-band Inal, had appeared before him in his local court of law;
9 he was yet beardless, his moustache was just sprouting, very hairy (about the body), with lank hair, of perfect stature, fair colour, bulky frame, very dark blue eyes with the eyebrows wide apart. He brought with him to his (i.e. the judge's) presence the so-called Hārūn, son
10 of Taghchakh. (The judge) knew them both well by face, name and parentage. The (man) who first appeared claimed against the one whom he had brought with him a plot of land which was in his possession
11 situated in the district called Rabul, one of the districts of the Yārkanda province, facing the mosque named after Isḥaq al-Jallāb (and representing) a sowing area of thirty
12 donkey-loads of wheat, consisting partially of barren soil and partially of soil fit for agriculture, with its four boundaries: the first boundary is contiguous to the land of Yūsuf Inal, the second one is contiguous
13 to the irrigation canal named after Sökmän Bäk, the third one is (again) contiguous to the land of Yūsuf Inal, and the fourth one is contiguous to the public road, the land of Jūbarz
14 Inal and the canal called Äzäk. He mentioned in his claim that the whole of that land with its boundaries indicated in this (deed) had been the property of his father named in this (deed)
15 who had died and had bequeathed to him and other heirs, (which) was now their lawful property, (but) that this man (i.e. the defendant) had taken possession of it by injustice and violence and that it was obligatory for him to take
16 his hand from it and to deliver it to them (i.e. the heirs), but he refused to do so. (The plaintiff) asked (that the defendant should be questioned). He was questioned, (but) he wholly denied the charge, totally repudiated (it) and claimed
17 that it was his lawful property which he had bougt from another (person) at a known sum and had paid this price in cash. The plaintiff was ordered to produce evidence proving the validity of his claim and the correctness
18 of his story, if he were able to do so. He produced three persons saying that they were his witnesses, and they testified on his behalf to the validity of his claim, and he asked (the judge) to hear their evidence
19 and to listen to their words; they were 'Abd al-Jalīl Chaghrı Sübashı, son of Mūsā, son of Amlūk, and Abū Bark al-Silāḥī, son of Burāq, son of Yarbā,
20 and Jibrīl Withāqbāshı, son of Mūsā, son of Baqchār. (The judge) called them as witnesses after the claim and the denial had been repeated. Every one of them,
21 one after the other, gave evidence confirming the claim, in presence of the two parties, being valid and correct evidence, agreeing in word and meaning with no difference concerning
22 any point of that (claim). (The judge) made inquiries concerning their characters; they proved to be irreproachable and rightrous (persons), and their integrity was demonstrated, The judgement was (then) directed against the defendant; (the judge) made it known to him and ordered him
23 to produce a refutation or a proof against the evidence if he were able to do so, but he was obviously incapable of doing so, after (the judge) had conceded him the same amount of time (as to the plaintiff). At this stage the plaintiff beffed him (i.e. the judge) to deliver a judgement in his favour
24 concerning his claim. (The judge) implored the aid of God, the most High, and asked Him for protection from deviation and stumbling, and delivered judgement that the land with its boundaries indicated in (this) document was the property of the person in whose favour evidence had been given
25 and of the heirs of his father. He ordered the man against whom judgement had been delivered to take his hand from it (i.e. the land) and to deliver it to the man in whose favour judgement had been delivered and he (furthermore) delivered judgement in his (i.e. the defendant's) favour to claim from the seller of it (i.e. the land) the return of the money
26 which he had paid him. Afterwards the man in whose favour judgement had been delivered (i.e. the plaintiff) begged him (i.e. the judge) to make a record of what he had considered as valid and what had been demonstrated before him. (The judge) assented to his request and herewith orders that
27 this document be drawn up so that it might be a proof in his favour in case there should be infringement, and this on the date mentioned at the beginning of (this) document.
28 (Certification by the judge) Muḥammad, son of 'Abd al-Ṣamad, son of Isma'īl, says: The judgement noted above in the document has been delivered by me, the certification was written with my hand, and the line with the signature is in my handwriting. 

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Arabic: Private Collection, Gronke I (Arabic No. 2): Folio (recto)
Images courtesy of Private Collection